Kim Tae Soo

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Name: Kim Tae Soo

Aliases: Stupid Bastard (By Kim Rok Soo)
Boss (Subordinates)

Relatives: † Unnamed Parents
† Unnamed Older Twin Brother
† Unnamed Sister-in-law
Kim Rok Soo ⁽ ⁿᵉᵖʰᵉʷ ⁾

CEO of Unnamed Company (Former)
Kim Rok Soo's Official Guardian

South Korean Underworld
South Korean Military
Unnamed Gangs
Unnamed Company

Death's Likelihood


Marital Status: Single

Age: 27 (start)
41 (Deceased)

Date of Birth: November 8th

Place of Birth: South Korea


Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 186 cm

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black


First Appearance: Chapter 1


Kim Rok Soo's Paternal Uncle, he is the man that took the five year old Kim Rok Soo in and raised him. He's noted to have been a greedy alcoholic gambler with a penchant for abuse by Kim Rok Soo.


Remarked to be exceptionally handsome with a stoic face, black hair and charming sharp black eyes. He has a firm yet somewhat lithe build likely due to his preference for "sneak attacks."


A very twisted person. Kim Tae Soo views everyone including his nephew as tools and pawns to use to further his own plans.

Although he is shown to have a bit of concern and care for his nephew it does not out weigh his desire to turn Kim Rok Soo into his perfect successor in an act of revenge against his twin brother.

Much like Kim Rok Soo, Kim Tae Soo is shown to hold on to grudges though to a more major degree. This is seen in the way that not only does Kim Tae Soo groom his nephew into his successor, but he even makes use of his in-laws family to further his nephew's training.


Kim Tae Soo and his older twin brother were orphaned at five years old and raised in an abusive orphanage. When they were young they swore that they'd make it to the top of the world to spite the ones who hurt them.

After finally getting close to their Dream at 22, Kim Tae Soo's brother fell in love with a "gold digger" in his own words and decided to throw everything away to run away with his sweetheart. Leaving Kim Tae Soo to deal with their crumbling Empire and a pile of debt. This led to Kim Tae Soo developing an alcohol and gambling addiction.

It is noted that of the twins, Kim Tae Soo was the immoral one that was only kept in touch by his older twin. After being abandoned by his brother, Kim Tae Soo descended into the darker places of the country trying to rebuild his Empire and take revenge on his twin and his lover.

It is noted ironically that at Kim Rok Soo's birth Kim Tae Soo received a letter from his brother, which brought about a plan for Kim Tae Soo which he never got to go through with as his brother died shortly after.




Death's Likelihood -
Like Kim Rok Soo's ability, Kim Tae Soo's ability only pertains to himself. This ability allows Kim Tae Soo get a feel on any day of his choosing his likelihood of death and as such allows him to place measures to decrease his risk of death.


Older Twin Brother
Originally inseparable, the two split apart in their twenties after a nasty fight when his brother fell in love with a supposed gold-digger.

Kim Tae Soo despises his older twin who threw away their success and childhood dream for something as stupid as love, and likewise also left Kim Tae Soo to be saddled with the debt which came from their collapsing business empire.

Kim Tae Soo had plans to bury his twin and Sister-in-law in humiliation when he carved his way back to the top by himself however those plans never came to be due to his brother's sudden death.

Kim Rok Soo
This pair of uncle and nephew have a very complicated love-hate relationship. Kim Tae Soo was always very clear about how he viewed his nephew as a pawn and a way to get revenge on his twin brother.

Kim Tae Soo despite himself does care about his nephew and sees him as family after being a pawn. He often expresses regrets that while his nephew became a good successor, he also contributed to the brokenness that was his nephews self-esteem and greed. Likewise towards the fact that somehow Kim Rok Soo inherited his father's desire to help others, though it is rather twisted.


• His favorite kind of beverages and alcohol are sour. Generally lemon based.

• His cooking skills are exquisite and his dishes delicious.

•He is the younger of the twins.

• He hates acknowledging that he's not as smart as his nephew.

• He slept with Kim Rok Soo's mother once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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