Not a chapter, it's the explanations

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Gabriel: His real first name is Ashaka, he is the son of the Goddess of the Moon (Leïna) and the Demon Wolf (Shin), he is the half-brother of Marie (Illyana)

Marie: Her name is actually Illyana, she is the daughter of Leïna and a human, former King Frédéric, she is Gabriel's half-sister and she hates him

Jessica: Is the adoptive mother of Marie and Gabriel, she adores her adopted daughter and has no consideration for her adopted son.

Peter: Husband of Jessica, thinks and acts like his wife.

Peter and Jessica can't have children, that's why they adopted Marie and Gabriel. They prefer their adopted daughter because she has a better character than their adopted son, and she has a normal physical appearance.

Gabriel inherited the physical particularities of his real parents, namely his mother's white hair and his father's purple eyes, which cause him problems, that's why his adoptive parents dyed his hair and put on contact lenses. colors. He has the same character as his real father.

Marie she did not inherit their mother's hair, but she inherited her great beauty, she looks more like her real father in terms of the physical. She has the same character as her father

Shin is the Demon Wolf, so he is Gabriel's real father, he has black hair and purple eyes. He has a strong character, he also has great determination, he is very protective of the people he loves, namely Leïna and Gabriel. He is Leïna's soul mate.

Leïna is the Goddess of the Moon, real mother of Marie and Gabriel, she has white hair and very light blue eyes, her son only inherited her white hair and her daughter her great beauty. Leïna is so beautiful that she was courted by several men including Frédéric, Marie's real father, with whom she married and Shin who is her soulmate.

Jessica is a redhead with green eyes, she has been married to Peter for 20 years, she is sterile. She pampers Marie and ignores Gabriel because she finds him strange

Peter is brown with brown eyes, he has been married to Jessica for 20 years, he wanted children with his wife, so he made the decision to adopt, he is like his wife towards his adopted children.

Ezequiel: He is one of the only surviving wolves of the war, he has served Ashaka for years, he was the pack doctor. He wants to get revenge for his family, his companion (Amara) and his Alpha by annihilating those responsible for the massacre that the wolves suffered.

Frédéric is Marie's real father and Leïna's husband despite the fact that he is human, he is jealous of Shin because he is his wife's soul mate and he woos her. He is blond with green eyes. Former king of the kingdom of Men, they have allied themselves with the vampires for the war which opposes him to Ashaka.

Amara is one of Ashaka's wolves, she was the one who trained the cubs in combat and hunting, she was Ezequiel's companion (she is mentioned in chapter 2)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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