to the New World

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"Wake up. Wake up babe. I need your help. Quick. Wake up."

Cole slowly wakes up. "Hmmm? What is it love? You know you shouldn't wake me up. I love my sleep."

Lyra: "I'm so sorry babe. I will make things up as soon as we meet again. But I now really need your help. I fucked up big time and I need to escape now! You know how to open Portals right? Please open me one."

Cole: "Gimme a minute. I'm still half asleep."

Lyra: "Please hurry up. Their coming."

Cole: "Who is they?" He slowly stands up and puts on some clothes

Lyra: "Lucifer."

Cole startled. "Wow now I'm awake. What did you do that Lucifer himself is coming after you?"

Lyra: "I'll tell you after I come back. Now please open the portal. He's almost here."

Cole. "What you mean after you come back? You're not going alone. I'm coming with you."

Lyra: "No way. It's to dangerous. He will kill you too. You'll stay here."

Cole: "Forget about it. I will stay by your side whatever happens. I love you.  And after all you can't come back without me. I'm the one who can open portals after all."

Lyra: "There's no time to discuss this. Please open it now! I need to go to another dimension."

Cole seems kinda upset or rather sad the she's wants to leave without him. "Fine..."

He starts opening the portal, straining himself. Bloods coming out of his nose. Because he searches for a dimensions far away from this one.

A purple dimensional shift opens. He starts to breath heavily.

Lyra looks at it and then at him. "You did it. Thank you. You safed me."

Cole looks at the portal then looks at her. A tear is dropping from his right eye.

Lyra: "Don't worry. I'll be back soon and then---."


Cole: "Shit you've got no time. I will distract him and then follow you."

Lyra: "No you will not follow me."

They hear heavy steps.

Cole: "GO!"

Lyra kisses him for a long time. "See ya soon. I love you." She looks at him as she steps into the portal backwards so she can see him. Tears are now flowing down her cheeks as well. More tears are flowing down his cheecks too.

"I love you too..." Cole say as Lyra steps into the portal waving him good bye.

The portal closed, Cole wipes his tears.

Someone jumped through the window shattering it.

???: "WHERE IS SHE?!"

Cole: "Couldn't you use the door dickhead? And are you to cool to greet me first. We were friends after all. So what do you want Lucifer?"

Lucifer: "Where... Is... She?"

Cole: "Where is who?"

Lucifer comes near him pushing him against the wall. "Don't play dumb with me. You know who I mean. The girl you left me, your best friend for."

Cole: "Oh so you're still not accepting the fact that YOU almost killed ME because I got into a relationship with the girl YOU had feelings for. THAT'S WHY I LEFT YOU. YOU MORON."

Lucifer: "WHERE... IS... SHE?"

Cole: "Woooaaah. No need to yell at me like that. Also close your mouth you have bad breath."

Lucifer grabs him and throws him against another wall. "I will not ask again. Where is she?"

Cole: "I don't know. I haven't seen her this night. I was sleeping till some idiot threw a tantrum asking for my girlfriend and breaking my window."

Lucifer looks at his nose. "You're lying. You created a portal and helped her escape. That's why your nose is bleeding."

Cole wipes the blood of his nose. He thinks //Shit. I need an excuse.//  "Jea who just threw me across the whole room?"

Lucifer: "That's not why your nose bleeds. You're a bad liar after all."

Cole: "I think it was a pretty good lie." He just grins.

Lucifer: "You better tell me where this whore is."

Cole snaps, his eyes turn red, he grabs Lucifer by the throat, slams him against the wall, the other wall and the ground. "Nobody is calling my girl a whore. Or you got a big problem with me. Got that?"

Lucifer gets out of his grab. Kicks him against the wall.

Cole: "So we are playing that game again huh?" He lands a punch in Lucifers stomach. Grabs him by the head and slams it at the edge of the bed.

Lucifer holds his head. "Argh fuck."

Cole: "Oh having a headache? Let me give you head... Wait no I didn't mean like that. I meant like g- ah you know what lemme show you." He grabs Lucifer and headbutts him. "You got weak."

Cole flies away. "Fuck fuck fuck."

After a few hours of flying he hides and tries to open a new portal. Even tho he's absolutely exhausted. It takes him a while. "Bloody hell." The purple, dimensional rift opens again. "I'm coming my love."

Lucifer is following up. He's close.

Cole suddenly appears behind him. "Didn't I told you to not insult her again." He kicks him to the ground thrashing him and slashing his chest with his knife. He then stands up and limps to the dimensional rift. "Smell ya dickhead." He puts his middle fingers up and just falls into the rift out of exhaustion.

"Wake up. Please wake up. Wake up babe please."

He slowly opens his eyes and sees a familiar face. "Lyra?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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