The Furry Beast

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Jackson pov
" Can that Thing just leave us alone" Whisperd Katie. Everything was Quiet excpect for that " thing" walking around.
" We Need to get Away From Here" She whisperd. I looked at her Dumbfoled.
" you mean like now" I ask.She Rolls her eyes. She was anoyed of me. Its strange of how quick people can hate me.
" Yeah like Now" she said. She draged me behind the closest building. I grunted as she stopped dragging me.
" Okay" She said.
She stuffed her hand in her pocket and pulled out a pencil. Then she started Drawing on the Wall.
" Aren't we going to make a plan?" I ask.
She ignores me and jeeps Drawing. I soon relize that she was making a plan.
" Ha, thats a plan" she exclaimed.
She pointed to the Wall. She put her hand on her hips.
The Drawing was very simple. But very confusing.
" So what dose "tHiS" mean" I say. She glares at me that started Explaining.
" this is us" she says painting to the to stick figures behind a wall.
" This is the monster" she pointed to the weird hairy figure.
" those are cars" she says painting to the weird car. She sound as if I was in kindergarten.
I slowly noded.
" Yeah? " I say. She smiles than she goes back to her Drawing.
" We Need to pase this monster without making noise OR being stupid. " When she said stupid she glares at me.
" What?! " I exclaimed. She sighed.
" Jack, ya know before Coming here I Learned about you a lot. Im not stupid. Okay. .... I Know What you tend to do a lot. " she says. She looked at me. She was talking about those times that I " tried" to be heroic. BUT it still worked out.
" anyway what if We go the Other Way around" she said.
" why are We even doing this? " I ask. I turn to look at her and she is distracted Drawing.
" Hey ya there? ". I touch her. She jumps up and punches me in the nose.
" what was that for! " I exclaimed.
" oh I got distracted. Thought you were a Zombie." she quickly said.
" so what were we talking about again" I ask.
" something about going around the building. To avoid some monster" she said. She sighed. Then she cursed.
" dammit Peter" she muterd. I wonder who's Peter. My loud mouth couldn't keep quiet
" who's Peter " I burst out. Katie stops.
" none of your Bussines " she repiles. She motions me to follow her so I did. All I saw was broken down cars.  Everything was in ruines. The trees were burnt. Ashes everywhere.
" what happened here" I ask.
" The ruins is because of the apocalypse. However the fire thingy is because of rezy" she says
" who's "rezy" I ask.
" just the destroyer of worlds. Her name Was anoying to say so I changed it. Rezy. Huh" she says. Destroyer. Did she do That? A pice of a candy rapper flew in the wind. Katie pointed towards the left. I followed her. Then she stopped.
" Something is not right" she whisperd under her breath. She slowly walked farther. In front of her was that " thing" from Earlier. I slowly made It beside her.
" Hello? " I say. Suddenly it roared in my face. Its Silvia Spatafora on to my face. I stood shocked. Katie started to laugh. Then she started Wheezing for breath. I give her a glares hoping it dose something.
It did nothing. She kept laughing her head off. The "thing" seemed triggerd about this. Then it lifted his fist up ready to turn Katie and me into Pancakes. Its  fist came down with Full force. I shoved Katie and me to the side.
" Run Run! " I shouted. I grabed Katie hand dragging her along with me. We tan and ran.
" the car Sullivan THE CAR" Katie shouted pointing to the White truck on the side. The flor shook as we ran. The "thing" was chasing us. I opened the car dolor and jumped in. I was Hiperventaltinng. I was frozen in fear.  Katie started shaking my shoulders.
" Jack get this dame car moving" she exclaimed. She was scared. I Fumbled on the car keys. They left it in the car. I was crossing my fingers hoping that the car still worked. I relized that the car had a small screen in front. It flickerd. But then it turned on.
" Yes" I whisperd. I steped on the petal. Wait how did I Know How to drive?
Time skip
Once the monster gave up on us. We decied to stop at the gas station. Except this one was in pieces. Someone thought it was smart to expload It. Katie groaned in anoyance. Also out car was out of gas.
" Can this Way get any worser. " I said.
" Don't Say that it only mames it woser" Katie said as she knocked three times on the car. I looked at her confused. She looked up at me.
" We need to be somewhere safe." she says. Well nowhere seems safe anymore.
" Any ideas" I say. She glares at me.

" you have Been here Longer " she added. I rolled my Eyes

" I don't remember anything okay" I groaned. There  was an Awkward silence.

" you do know that I Can't stay here for long" Katie said
" why? " i ask.
" cause i have other things to do.... On the other Side" she said. She Fiddled with her nails.

" but what am I gonna do! " I said.
" I have this and nothing else" I say holding the broken bat in my hand.

" fine  if you want I could get you a New weapon. I Can't Do much cause I Am a human. " she says with a sigh. I looked at her confused. She nodded.

" Peter decied it was funny turning me into a human..... Like What am I gonna do. Help a human with nothing" she Muttered under her breath.
" we need help " she said. Then she smirked. She was up to something.
" and I Know who can help. " she exclaimed. She smiled. She opened the car and opened my door.

" move it please. Im driving" she grinned.

I gulped.

autor note
Sorry for not Updating in a while. Thank you for All who voted. May god Bless yall. The bold thingys are not working soooooo  Yeah. Thank you all and have a great day.

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