new school

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Chapter 1.

No one's pov.

Harry and his mum and Robin are moving to Doncaster

Cause Harry's stepdad got a new job and they all have to move

Harry isn't too happy about it he is leaving his friends ed and  Shawn behind

Harry pov.

We are in the SUV following the moving truck it is 8pm and we left at 11 am so we are already in Doncaster I think we are almost to out new house

I'm not happy about it at all

I just want my old friends back they loved when I would use my powers

You see the reason why me and ed and Shawn was friends for is because they also had superpowers

Ed was a shape shifter and he could freeze you with his mind and Shawn was a mind reader and he could control the weather

You see i have three powers but the third is unknown because we don't know what it is

Mum and Robin is planning on sending me to new York where the avengers are at

To see about my third power I'll be going there this summer so hopefully if I find friends they will be able to go with me

Mum did say I  had a twin named Edward but he is in new York with our dad desmond styles I never knew him cause he left when I was at mum's sisters house

But anyways we are at the house now and I get out and help get my boxes and go find my room

Ah found it now let's see where is my name sign at oh there it is in my decoration box for my room

After I got done unpacking I went to bed and went to sleep we went to a restaurant to eat supper so that's why I went to bed

Next morning .....

I wake up to my alarm mum took me to the mall after we ate breakfast I found some skinny jeans and some cool shirts I found some shorts and sleeveless shirts and I found swimming trunks

Then we payed for the clothes and we went to the shoe store and I got shoes and boots we payed for that

Then we left the mall and went to Walmart to buy my school supplies and a backpack and then bought food and I got a lunch box for me to take my lunch with me

Liam pov.

Hey boys guess what I heard while I was walking past the office to my locker

What did you hear Niall ask

Well I heard that we are getting a new student he is younger then us he is coming from Holmes chapel

That's so cool Louis says to me

Yeah it is I say

I hear the principal on the intercom

All students and teachers come into the gym it's important

We all head to the gym we see my dad he is the school principal he has a laptop on a TV dinner table and has white sheet on the wall in front of us

Ok kids I got a disk from the principal in Holmes chapel

For all you here think superheroes don't exist here is something to change your mind too

He puts the disk in and pushes play

We see this boy that looks a little younger then us

Outside in his backyard practicing is powers

I see two other boys out there with him

Must be his friends

Omg he just duplicated his self one girl said

I gasp when he made a vine come out of the ground

Then we hear someone say

These one boy has a third power but no one knows what it is not even him

Then the movie goes off and one boy says that was all fake

Yeah right maybe if he comes here I'll ask him to show him a thing or two

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