Chapter Twelve ~ Breaking The Rules

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Authors Note ~ hello! Yeah yeah I know that it's been a while since my last update and all, but I do get exams you know... I hope that you all enjoyed the love scene, I cringed a bit while I was writing it, but it seems as though it was worth it! Now, a note of rare intelligence... READ THIS. Ok, so I was walking down the high street and I saw this couple not much older than I am now. The guy was walking quite far ahead of the girl and texting like crazy. The girl was trying desperately to keep up, juggling shopping and a heavy handbag. Her heels kept catching on the road and she kept trying to reach out to the guy for help. She kept calling out "baby? Sweetheart can you help me?!" He just walked faster. Eventually the girl jogged over and caught his arm with a bag ladened hand. I expected the guy to help her at the very least, instead this scum whirled around with his arm out wide and roared at her something that I can't say on Wattpad... The poor girl leant back to avoid the arm and fell into the gutter, bags going everywhere. A few people stopped to watch but no one helped. The guy stopped swearing and stood there as she clattered to her feet and scooped up most of the bags. Then this unbelievable guy just grabbed her and kissed her, a proper kiss... She grinned at him and sad something that I think might have been "I love you" then they walked off together, the girl still struggling along behind her texting boyfriend.

I told you that story because there are some girls who will never have their eyes really opened. I hope that after reading this fan fiction you all have a pretty good idea of what A GOOD GUY should be. I've heard girls say Oh well, he's not perfect..." HE SHOULD BE! I mean, no one is absolutely perfect, but the boy you let into your life should be someone that you can look at and think "I want nothing more than him" Don't settle, go for what's right for you.

That's all... Copy and paste this to a friend if you think they need to hear this... Now, an action chapter maybe?


Chapter Twelve ~ Breaking The Rules

P.O.V from Cassie Flint, mortal.

I stared hard at the glowing screen of my phone, silently wishing for him to reply. Biting my lip I flipped my phone over and - not for the first time - switched it off and on again. The phone was the latest model, shiny and still with so many buttons I had no idea how to work, so that couldn't be the problem.

I refreshed and refreshed our conversation hoping for the slightest change, but to no avail. Maybe he didn't have his phone with him, maybe it was out of battery, maybe-


I whirled around to face the dense bushes behind me. Nothing. As I dragged my eyes away I suddenly realised just how dark it had gotten. How long had I been waiting here for a reply? My mind said minutes, but the phone in my hands alerted me to just how late it really was. Mum is going to kill me! Though maybe I'd save myself a double tap if I left out the part about being in the park alone at this hour...

I know that hearing that her only daughter spent the last hour and a half in a forest where three girls went missing half a year ago, without calling home. I stand quickly, scramble to get my bags together and pick up my phone. I get about five steps away from the bench before I'm checking my phone again. Still nothing. Stupid stupid stupid girl. How could I ask him? He's probably sitting at home right now, either laughing at my text or wondering if it was all a joke, maybe I should send another text, smooth it all over and say that it was all-


my fingers freeze over the keyboard as my muscles lock. What I heard before could have been passed off as a bird or other small animal scurrying through the undergrowth, this was louder, heavier. This was a person taking a step forward. I forced myself to shudderingly breathe a breath I realised that I had been holding. It might just be someone walking past, probably didn't even realise I was here. It was nothing, but I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes burning into me, sweaty palms ready to make a grab.

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