A Girl Called Rags (First Draft)

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This is a short story I am currently working on for my Science Fiction and Fantasy course final. 

A Girl Called Rags (First Draft)

I wipe my sweaty brow with my tattered handkerchief. I lower it gently and my eyes water as I remember the day my mother made this for me. It was the greatest gift she could ever give me. In a way, it felt like I carried my mother with me, and she still brought me comfort whenever I needed it. The fabric has worn over the years and I should probably stop using it, but I can't help myself sometimes. I hug the handkerchief to my chest and cry.

I hear footsteps approaching and stop in front of me. I look up slowly and once my vision clears my eyes widen.

"My prince!" I exclaimed with a shout. I never in my life expected to see the prince walk in on me looking so pathetic. My foot knocks over the dirty mop water and I slip. A yelp escapes my mouth as I swing my arms around, somehow hoping I could push myself forward, and feel myself falling backward.

The prince hurries forward sending his cape upward with a speed and I feel his strong arm catch me by the waist and pull me forward. The prince's forest green eyes gaze down at me gently, yet he looks as surprised as I do.

"Are you okay?" He gently placed his hand upon one of mine. That's when I realized I held the fabric of his tunic in a death grip. I gasp and quickly let go, step back and give a deep bow.

"Forgive me my prince, I am usually not so clumsy." I feel my cheeks flush in shame. "T-Thank you for catching me." My heart skips a beat. I'm afraid to look him in the eyes again. I braced myself for yelling and being told I was fired.

"Please. No need to address me so formally when no one else is around. Unlike the king and queen, I don't place such importance on titles."

I slowly lift myself up and look down at the dirty floors. "Thank you, your highness. I will get to work and clean this mess up right away." I get ready to kneel down and grab the rags again. To my surprise, the prince mimics my gesture and grabs the other rag from my hands.

"I'll help since it is my fault for startling you so." The prince begins to soak up the spilled water with his rag. "What's your name?"

That question alone shocked me into silence.

"You have a name don't you?" The prince looked back up from his task with a slight frown. He seemed worried somehow.

"Y-Yes, your highness. I apologize, it's just no one cared to know my name before. I've only ever been addressed as 'Rags'. My name is Asteria."

"Asteria." The prince repeated and his mouth formed into a wide smile. The prince managed to startle me once again when he suddenly grabbed my hand and gave me a serious look.

"You must tell me who dared call you by such a name."

I immediately shook my head. "My prince I-"

"Call me Leonatus."

"Leonatus, everyone calls me by that name. My mother served before me and when it was my turn, that became my new name." I shifted my eyes away.

The prince pulled me up and away from the stifling heat of the kitchen into the fresh air outside. He continued to lead me and I followed silently. When I began to see blue and white hydrangea, I understood where he was taking me.

Leonatus opened the gate and brought me into another world entirely. I was blown away by the array of colorful flowers that decorated the large garden. The garden itself felt like a hidden part of the castle that could be privately enjoyed without any disturbance. We both sat down on a wooden bench listening to the birds sing their songs. I will admit a small part of me felt awkward sitting next to royalty and another big part of me felt guilty for even doing so. I shouldn't be here. It isn't fair to the others. It isn't fair to my mother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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