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It had been about one year since Michael had died in a car crash, and the boys were about ro perforn for the first time since that day. Calum, Ashton, and Luke we're still backstage getting ready.

"You okay, Luke?" Ashton asked him softly, seeing that he looked like he was about to burst into tears any moment.

Luke sniffled. "I'm fine Ash." Luke told him, obviously lying.

Ashton sighed, annoyed that Luke was lying straight to his face. "No you're not, Luke I know you're upset right now, trust me I am too, but Michael wouldn't want you to be upset." Ashton said, patting Luke's back.

Luke sighed sadly. "I miss him so much Ashton" Luke broke down into sobs as he cried into Ashton's shoulder. Ashton rubbing his back in a comforting matter.

"Me too, Lukey. Me too."

*time skip*

The boys were on stage, getting ready to perform their last song Amnesia. Calum played the guitar just as Michael used to.

Ashton spoke into the microphone. "This has been an incredible night! We want to thank you all for coming, and having a good time as well. So we are going to perform our last song for the night and its called Amnesia as you all know" Ashton finished and the crowd screamed and cheered, but got completely quiet as Calum started to play his guitar.

As Luke sang his part, he heard somebody sing softly beside him.

Luke looked to his side and saw Michael sitting beside him, singing along softly.

"M-mikey?" Luke said, not believing his eyes.

"Hey Lukey" Michael said back.

"B-but" Luke stuttered. Then it hit Luke.

It was Michael's ghost.

Tears began streaming down Luke's face. Falling onto his blink 182 band tee.

"Why did you leave me?" Luke asked.

Michael spoke, "I never left you Luke, I've always been here" Michael smiled at him. And placed his hand on top of Luke's.

"I'd never leave you Lukey," Michael squeezed Luke's hand. "I love you too much"

Luke smiled weakly, "I love you too, Mikey"

Michael then evaporated into thin air, Ashton tapped Luke's shoulder, Luke didn't even realize he was there.

"Did you have a good time?" Ashton asked.

Luke smiled at him, "Yeah"

Ashton grinned, "I'm glad Luke" Ashton hugged him tightly.

Calum came over and hugged Luke also, and also asked if he had a good time.

When they got out Luke smiled up at the sky and whispered.

"I had a great time, Mikey"


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