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Her Smile was the biggest, it was the brightest, it was the most welcoming. Her smile grew each day, bigger and brighter. Why?
Her smile hid her pain
Her bruised body,
her shattered heart,
her black eye,
her innocence taken,
her cries for help.
Her smile hid how ugly she felt,
her skin was to dark,
her hair was to nappy,
her lip and nose was to big,
Her was to tall and to fat body.
Her smile hid her abuse
"You don't love me, I'll kill my self."
"You deserve this!"
"It's your fault I'm like this."
"Tell anyone I'll kill you."
"Nobody loves you"
"Nobody will believe you."
"I'm sorry I won't do it again, I love you."
Her smile hid her lost
Her mother
Her father
Her family
Her baby
Her friends
Her smile hid voice
Her cries
Her choice
Her wants
Her truth
Her power
Her smile was grew bigger and the world went on. Her smile grew as it's stop hiding these things. Her smile grew as she got up every day and chose to fight, to love to take back her SMILE

A Book Poem Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant