chapter one:confrontation

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"Professor Snape can you hear me? Asked Hermione. "Granger?"moaned Snape. Yes, I'm here.  Replied Hermione. Leave me to die. Said Snape. " No I can't or won't do so. Replied Hermione.  " I always admired you professor Snape. Replied Hermione.  You thought all the students hated you but you were wrong.  Replied Hermione.  I hexed Sirius for calling you a dungeon bat.  Replied Hermione.  Professor Snape hold on to me.  I'm going to apparate us to 12grimmuald place.  Replied Hermione.  Hermione  side apparated Snape to 12grimmuald place.  Hermione opened the door leading her injured professor into the sitting room.  Hermione put Snape on the couch.  Professor Snape i have to remove your robes. Replied Hermione.  Hermione quickly vanished Snape's blood stained robes.  Miss granger what the bloody hell you think you doing?demanded Snape.  Hermione healed his wounds.  Hermione transfigurationed a pillow into robes.  Here clean robes.  Replied Hermione.  When did you get so good with healing spells?asked Snape.  Fifth year. Replied Hermione.  A lot of D.A members had injuries so I was the only one that could heal them.  Replied Hermione.  What are you doing here seveellius?demanded Sirius and Ron. " Sirius!Ronald! HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT HIM! Yelled Hermione.  I brought him here. He was badly injured.  You imbibe. Replied Hermione.  Why are always defending him Hermione? Demanded Ron.  " oh you like him!" Resorted Sirius  . He's on our side!he has done much more than you Sirius for the order!" Snarled Hermione.  You Sirius and your so called friends bullied him.  No offense Harry but your dad was a asshole. Replied Hermione   no offense taken Hermione. Replied Harry. He was a bullying prat.  Replied Harry.  Harry how can you say that about James? Demanded Sirius. Your no better yourself. Replied Hermione.  I was disappointed when I seen Snape's memories when his was at school.  My dad I was always told to me was a good man but, I don't have respect for my dad and you Sirius. Replied Harry coldly looking at Sirius and then Ron.  I know how it feels to be bullied. I understand how it feels to be to be mistreated.  By those who supposed to love you. Replied Harry.  it was bad enough at home. A drunkard muggle of a father who beat him and his wife for being magical. Replied Harry. Well I would understand Sirius since you were in the same situation. Replied Harry. Professor Snape always saved us for many times.  I have grown to respect him. Replied Harry. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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