New Friends

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         She was only half awake when she rolled onto her back, trying to find a more comfortable position to fall back asleep and continue the dream she was having. The moment she did, she was instantly awake. Even the slightest bit of pressure applied to her right shoulder caused it to throb and she hissed rather loudly, quickly curling back up on her left side to somehow ease the pain. It didn't.

Now fully awake and feeling like she might cry if it didn't stop hurting - she really didn't have a high tolerance for pain - Brianna decided to sit up and look around her room. It was the same one she had woken up in the day before. Sunlight filtered in through the curtains that were currently pulled closed, peeking around the corners and filling the room with enough light to tell her that the time was at least somewhere after sunrise. Maybe even midday. She stared at the doorway between the windows, wondering if that must lead somewhere. Perhaps a balcony.

A sense of comfort seeped into her chest like a warm hug and she placed a hand to her heart, smiling softly at the feeling. Atem must've felt her rather uncomfortable awakening and was doing his best to ease her pain while he was away doing…whatever a king does. She closed her eyes and focused on that feeling, concentrating on sending back her feeling of appreciation for the gesture. She felt a sort of pleased emotion echo back to her and she tilted her head slightly, wondering if that meant he was glad he was helping in some way. All she knew was that the pain had slowly decreased to a dull throb as the minutes passed by and she felt like she could tolerate it now. As long as it didn't get further irritated. That was crucial.

The unfortunate part of it was that it was her dominant shoulder. She was right-handed. She wasn't sure how much she could really move her arm without irritating or stretching the wounds so she would probably have to be mindful and start using her left hand for the time being. That was going to take some getting used to.

A knock at her door jolted her out of her thoughts and broke her concentration. She blinked and watched as the servant from yesterday entered after a respectful greeting. "Good morning, miss. I'm here to wipe you down and change your clothes," she announced.

"Oh, okay." Brianna slid off the bed using only one hand and followed the servant into the connected bathroom. It was something she would have to get used to, both the luxurious way of living and getting naked in front of random people who weren't her chosen lover.

"Oh, my… You must visit Miss Isis once you are dressed for the day," the woman breathed, guiding the girl over to sit on a stool.

"What?" Brianna looked at her shoulder in confusion. "Oh." Small lines of blood had soaked into the wrapping where the stitched wounds were. Her accidental appliance of pressure must have aggravated it enough to make it start bleeding again. "Oops…"

"What did you do?" The servant asked, dipping a cloth in a bucket of water and beginning to wipe down the girl's bare body. She was careful to avoid the wrapping and only lightly dabbed the scratches on her left cheek that had started to scab.

"I accidentally rolled over and put pressure on it," Brianna sighed, staring down at the floor. "Most uncomfortable wake up call I've ever received…"

The servant gave an amused smile. "I'm sure you will think twice about how you sleep from now on." She set the cloth aside and grabbed a towel, making the girl stand so she could properly dry her.

"Oh, definitely," Brianna agreed. She eyed the woman tending to her curiously, noting her long black hair tied into a low ponytail. "Will you always be the one helping me with my day?"

"Oh, yes! I was the one assigned to you, miss savior." The woman smiled and retrieved a white two piece this time, a sleeveless shirt that she tucked underneath the waistline of her skirt. She tied a green sash around her waist to make sure the pieces stayed together and then put the two gold bracers on her upper arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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