You're always welcome at dad's house

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Lance had always been a curious person, when he was little he wanted to know everything. Why was the ocean blue? How did birds fly? How did glasses work?  He asked his mother everything, and of course she didn't know everything, nor did she have the time to answer all his questions, having so many other children to care for, so she'd always tell him "I'm not sure Mijo, why don't you look for the answers?". This lead to Lance being a very knowledgeable child, as well as someone who always had to know everything, nothing could be kept a secret, if it was happening Lance had to know about it. Nothing could just be and I don't know, there was always an answer. As he grew up so did his curiosity and with that a love of all kinds of adventure. He loved meeting new people, going on trips, and discovering new things.

Our story starts on a cool Tuesday in June and a now 19 year old Lance was on his way to pick his cat, blue, up from dad's house. He wasn't really Lance's dad, in reality he was the older half-brother of his friend Keith, his friend group just called him dad because he'd always been a father figure to his little group of friends.

Lance's phone pinged, interrupting his train of thought. "Want me to get that?" asked the small enby in the passenger seat, this was Pidge a longtime childhood friend of his. "Sure"  responded Lance, not taking his eyes off the road. Pidge picked up Lance's phone off the dash and quickly punched in the code. "It's a text from dad 2, he sais blue and the others have been fed and are ready for pick up" they took  a selfie on Lance's phone before placing it back on the dash.

"Man, I am so excited to see Green, hope she doesn't hate me for leaving for so long, she doesn't even know why I left. Cats don't know what university is" "-And I hope dad has been feeding yellow as I instructed" added the man lying across the back seat before yawning "Yes Hunk, I'm sure dad has fed him four meals a day of home cooked meals just as you instructed" Pidge remarked sarcastically

"Oh, there's the turn off" Lance mumbled to himself, he turns to Pidge and Hunk and spoke with exaggerated enthusiasm "Hey kids we should be there in five minutes, so start packing up your shit" he turned onto dads street. Hunk righted himself back into a sitting position and clicked back on his seatbelt, dad and dad 2 would literally kill him if he wasn't wearing one, He yawned out the last bit of sleep. Pidge reached down their feet and slides their tablet back into a pin laden backpack.

"How come gravol naps are the best kind?" Hunk asked leaning over the back of Pidge's seat"Like that was one the best naps I've had all year" Pidge looks back at their friend and responds in a tone usually reserved for mothers who's children keep asking questions that they don't know the answer to "I don't know Hunk maybe you're just super sleep deprived? We just came off of finals week, then we had to pack up our dorms and then we had to get on a plane from Massachusetts all the way down to Nevada and then Lance had to pick us up from the airport and now we're here in Lance's car in Nevada."  "Oh good point" Hunk agreed.

Lance pulled his car into the gravel driveway of dad's house, he parked the car and suddenly realized- "Oh hey Keith's here!" Pidge said excitedly "Doesn't he live here?" Asked Hunk "Oh yeah right, he's just never around I guess" replied Pidge. Lance looked at Keith's motor cycle, it was a nice bike, black with crimson accents and a stupid side car for his dog Cosmo. He chuckled before locking the car and going up the steps of dad's house.

He gently knocked on the front door, before Pidge just swung open the door yelling "HEY DAD WE'RE BACK!" as if they had just returned from a quick excursion to run errands, not travelled across the country. "Hey, hey no need to yell" spoke dad with a slight chuckle.

Dad was a tall man with full white hair making him look much older than his actual age, he was only 29 but looked to be in his early-late 40's. His left arm was prosthetic, lost during his time in the military, and he was covered in scars.

"Welcome home" he said walking towards the trio for an embrace. Pidge sank into dad's arms and held on tight "I missed you so much" "Me too" said Lance joining the hug "Ditto!" Spoke Hunk with tears in his eyes running to join the huddle.

Everyone held on a for a few seconds longer before letting go, "Your presence has certainly been missed around here, especially Hunk's cooking, neither me or Adam can cook all that well" Hunk lit up "I've learned a few new recipes over the school year, I'll make lunch-" he looked down at his feet to see this MASSIVE American bobtail cat rubbing against his leg "-and of course my sue chef will be of great help" Hunk picked up the cat and dashed off without another word.

Lance sat down on the couch he knew so well "feels good to be home" he thought "Hey Lance, I think someone's trying to get your attention" smirked Pidge pointing to Lance's cat blue, a Russian blue naturally, pawing at his leg and purring happily. "Oh hi buddy! I sure did miss your sweet little faceeee" he said to the cat as he picked it up and gave it a little kiss on the forehead, "Im so sorry for leaving." He placed the cat in his lap and it immediately curled up and fell asleep while Lance continued to pet it.

Dad sat back down, Pidge sat across from him aggressively rubbing the belly of Green, a British shorthair cronally cover in grass stains, Lance couldn't tell if the cat loved or hated this. "So Pidge, how was your first year of collage?" Dad asked taking a sip of his coffee with his good hand and petting an old, cranky, one-eyed cat with the prosthetic one. This was Black, a scruffy shelter cat who's previous owner was not good to it giving it a distrust in people, but it liked dad, and only dad.

Green leaped off Pidge's lap and dashed up the stairs "Oh it was great dad! I made a few new friends, built a few robots, OH AND you are not going to believe this! You know your drama/shop teacher from high school? The one you became friends with after?" "Coran Wimbolton?" "Yeah him! He's somehow the professor of mechanics? Proffer Coran told me to say hi to you for him!" "Ah I'm glad to hear it, he was too good for that high school anyway." "I have contact information if you want to get in touch" "Sounds great kiddo, send it over" Pidge walked over to dad to show him their phone, leaving Lance alone on the couch.

Lance looked over the many photos strewn about the home, one of dad's high school graduation, one of Dad and Dad 2 in military uniform, a few of small Keith, a few wedding photos, a couple of Keith and dad's parents.

He focused on one of keith, he couldn't have been any older than nine or ten in a small knight costume for a school play, he was smiling a big child like smile, one full of pride. Next to him was dad, who looked to be roughly sixteen in the photo, he had his then longish black hair into a small bun and had his arms angled as if he were showing off his brother. Next he saw Keith's mother Kerolia, whom the gang jokingly called the milf, she was holding Keith in a big embrace, the woman was covered in tattoos and piercings and wearing a black leather jacket with the emblem of her biker gang along the back slightly showing from her pose, her appearance looked intimidating, but her smile and pose where ones of excitement and warmth. He then focused on Keith's father, tall a grizzled man, he looked almost exactly like Dad, except he was older with a few burn scars and had a small speckling of stubble along his chin. He seemed kind he just had one of those smiles, an "everything will be alright" kind of smile. He could see where Keith got that from.

This photo was toothachingly sweet, full of family charm and nostalgia. Lance's face dropped remembering the fact that these moments would be short lived. In just two short years that man with the kind smile would die, that biker woman would end up in prison with a five year sentence for grand theft auto, and that child grew violent and stopped smiling. It was up to the teenager to keep the family together.

Lance needed fresh air, this was getting depressing, he went to stand up knocking an unconscious blue off his lap. "Oh sorry buddy" He said to the cat, he reached to give the cat apology scritches but blue just swatted his hand away and meowed angrily.

"Adam should be out back if you want to go check out the backyard, He's so proud of this little garden he's cultivated, I bet he'd LOVE to go on about it" offered dad noticing Lance's discomfort, which he much appreciated.

Lance walked out of the living room through the kitchen to see hunk making one of his incredible meals, his cat yellow the rotund boy, sat on a kitchen chair Hunk had pulled over for him just watching the magic as hunk happily explained the steps to the cat. He could totally see why his girlfriend Shay would want to date him, he was a sweet guy.

Lance slid open the backdoor to the patio to see Keith sitting at the outdoor table.

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