Chapter 7

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Tommy Pov

"What happened" I murmered

I feel a weight on my shoulder and i look up to see Wilbur fast asleep on my shoulder

*my stomach grumbled*

"He wouldnt mind if i got something to eat.Right? " i thought

I slowely got up to not wake up Wilbur, i got in the elevator and pressed "1"

When i reached the floor with the kitchen on it, I got out

I looked thought a drawer thinking where does the dickhead keep his cereal...

"Uh hello?"

"AHH" i screeched before falling on the kitchen tiles

"Who are you? and what are you doing in my house" The man had pink hair and golden jewellery.. i know him from somewhere... He was with Wilbur one of the times he had came in

"Im staying over, Wilbur invited me over, He's still sleeping " I said before getting of the ground

"Huh.. Wilbur didnt say he had a guest over.. My names Techno" The pink haired man said

"Ok Techno, im Tommy" I said
"Do you know where the cereal is?" I said

"Second drawer to the bottom"Techno said while making a cup of presumably coffee

"Thanks" I said politely, before grabbing the
Cornflakes out of the drawer, I had already found the bowls and utensils and milk

After i had put out a bowl of Cornflakes, ( my idea for Cornflakes - Not Jermaine's💪) i sat down across from Techno

"What age are you, Tommy?" Techno asked before pushing his glasses up his nose then sipping his coffee slowly and placed his coffee back on the table

"Im uh- 18" I said reluctantly

"Cool, So your the barista at Puffy's Cafe?" Techno questioned

"Yup" I said while taking a big spoon of Cornflakes and shoving it in my mouth hungrily

Just as Techno was about to say something else, A blonde haired man walked in the room while rubbing his eyes, he was in a plain black t-shirt and green plaid pyjama pants and had slippers on

*Who the hell wears slippers anymore* I thought

"Hey Techn- Oh we have compony?" The man said

"Wilbur has a guest, His names Tommy" Techno said

"Nice to meet you Mate, Im Philza but call me Phil" Phil said before pushing his hand out for me to shake

"Im Tommy" I said with a smile on my face

385 words

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