Chapter 3: "I Love You, Forever and Always"

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Adrian slowly opened his eyes as he groaned. As he sat up, he looked at the room. The walls of it looked like dried blood but it was dark. Then all of a sudden he heard a voice from across the left corner of the room."So you're the new proxy," the voice says. It didn't sound like any person he had ever heard before. The person started to chuckle deeply and it gave Adrian chills down his spine. He felt fear as his body was thrown across the room. The person chuckled as if he could feel Adrian's fear. The moonlight came through the window as Adrian saw the beautiful and mysterious man. He looked like he had leather-skin and jet-black hair. He had a smile carved into his face. Adrian gasped as he scooted back on his bed and fell to the floor.Then, all of a sudden, a tall figure in a black, neat suit with an unblinking face came out of the dark."Jeff, don't scare the poor boy," the tall figure spoke. It sounded like three people were talking at once a woman, a man, and a small child."I have to go home. I have to go see my boyfriend and my children." Adrian threw the covers back. "Please just let me see them one more time," he begged. The tall figure sighed forlornly."Fine, my child," he says. "You may go see them." Adrian ran out of the room. As he ran out of the house, he felt the cold and wet rain on him. He felt the wet dirt underneath his feet. As he started to run to Dylan's house he knew something was wrong.As Adrian opened the door, he noticed everything was very quiet. Adrian slowly walked, trying not to make a sound and disturb the quiet. He grabbed the biggest knife from the kitchen drawer. As he held the knife tightly in his fist, he slowly crept up to the stairs. The light was off so it was completely dark in the house. He checked all of the rooms until he got to Dylan's room. Adrian dropped the knife as he fell to his knees with a screaming sob. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.Dylan and his children were dead.Dylan had been stabbed in the heart and his children had limbs missing from their bodies. Blood drenched everything-dripping from the walls and staining the room with their life essence. Adrian's heart hammered in his chest-everything went blurry and he cried and cried and cried until he thought he had no tears left in his body. They fell from his eyes like so much blood.He slowly got up and something was shining in his eyes. Adrian went to the object and slowly picked it up. It was a wedding ring; the small silver and black band had demons on it. There was something carved in it: I love you, forever and always."Adrian felt a lump in his throat; he couldn't breathe. He couldn't handle the pain anymore. He screamed and sobbed over the dead bodies of his family. Adrian picked up Dylan's lifeless body as gently as he could."Don't worry," he said softly. "We'll think of something. We always do."Adrian walked into the forest as he kept Dylan's body close to him. As they both got to Slenderman's machine, everyone was looking up at Adrian. Adrian sat on the couch holding Dylan in his arms as he cried.Adrian's face was red and puffy from crying so much. All he wanted was his kids and Dylan. Adrian rocked Dylan back and forth crying as he screamed as loud as he could. Then Slender-Man walked into the room to see what happened."What happened here?"Adrian gave Slenderman a death glare as tears streamed down his face."My fiance is dead, as well as my children." Adrian wasn't just angry-he was out of blood. He was going to kill whoever murdered his family."Please help him and my kids," Adrian begged. Adrian has up-no one would help him.He went to his room and cried his eyes out until darkness fell over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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