First meeting

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After donating the five creatures to the loan shark, Eventually Tom nook invites his friend Blathers. An odd name you think to yourself but nevertheless it better be worth it donating those Creatures to him. Those extra taekwondo lessons you took in the city may come in handy.

After getting his tent from Tom nook you eagerly place it near residential services of course for convenience right?
You still thought to yourself what and who might this fellow named blathers would look like? Alot of the theories whent over your head but it all whent away when you felt a little nudge on your back. It was rod! One of your starter villagers. Sadly begging you to buy his extra T-shirt.

After politely declining that offer. Sports tanks aren't really your thing. Either way you Glady chop some trees down and catch some fish before calling it a day.

The next day

You rush out of your tent with a heart pounding of excitement today is the day you meet this so called racoon, monkey or Anyone for the matter named Blathers! You see in the distance next to residential services a cute little green tent. After running over to the tent you take a minute to observe the owl symbol on top of the entrance inside.

"Out of all the animals, Really an owl?"

For context you find owls very annoying and some what scary?(pussy lol) With they're eyes and how they are usually awake at night. Either way your not the type of person to judge on appearance
So you'll try and befriend this owl since its gonna be impossible to make him move out in your island.

As you walk in the green tent you are greated with a cute brown owl reading a book about fossils.

"Hoot hoo?, You must be the resident representative. It's nice meeting you and might I say thank you for putting taking the time of placing my tent a spot on the island. I am exceedingly interested in the ecosystem of this island, Thus I have come to conduct research. If you will!"

That's alot of words just to introduce yourself you wonder. Giving a short giggle

"You seem very cute for a talkative owl!, I am _____. I would be very happy to make friends with you!.

Blathers taken back by your enthusiasm.
And with a flustered face after calling him cute continues to explain on the project plan of building a musuem.

"You see it's not only fish and insects I plan to display in my fine institution but also fossils too, hoo! I would bet my pinfeathers this island is full of fossils to discover! But Hoot? The river you say I can't just hop over it. Well silly you I have a solution as audacious as trying to populate an entirely deserted island. Pardon me while I transmit the vital data on your Nookphone....."

Wow. All those words......for a recipe?
You quicky hide your laugh as you get the recipe for a vaulting pole.

"There from the wood gathered from this island. One can make a lengthy vaulting pole. This vaulting pole can be used to propel oneself across the river. Up and over you go! Hoo"

You are too focused on his cute little green bowtie only listening to Blathers voice.

"Huh? Oh yes the vaulting pole!"

"I have also sent a DIY schematics for a shovel to dig fossils from the ground as well. Which brings me to my point. Please, ____, cross the river and seek out these ancient relics!. feathers!
I have blatered on far too long but let me leave you with this if I'd like to continue opening the musuem. I must acquire more items to exhibit to put it this way 15 more to be precise.

"I fervently hope you will donate your precious finds to the cause."

Still stuck admiring his cute little bowtie you snap out of it and speak.

"Ah yes fossils, insect, fish. I better get going then!"

Before leaving the musuem you gave blathers a little Pat on the head you just really can't resist the cuteness of this one owl AND HIS LITTLE GREEN BOWTIE!

You make my heart saur (A Blathers fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora