Prologue- A new evil, has risen.

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(A/N: Before I begin, I want you all to know that these names except NERF belong to Bull's Eye Productions. Bull's Eye Productions is my film group.)

An evil man named Disoro, who had the same intentions as Ragota. He wanted to have world domination; so, he formed the Sieranite Clan. The Sieranite Clan is an evil organization similar to the Milouki Order but the Sieranite Clan started out as a political group against the U.S. senate. Those who follow the ways of the Sieranite Clan are referred as Sieranites.

At first their followers were few, but over time, their numbers became too big for the U.S. senate to handle alone. So, they contacted NERF, they told them what needed to be done; to bring an end to the Sieranite Clan and stop this treachery. NERF knew which agents who would be up to the task. Their best agents, the Commander and Captain of NERF. The two gladly accepted the challenge that has been brought forward.

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