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I woke up after Liberty. She was gone, a text on my phone telling me that she had Uber'd to work. I cleaned up my bedroom then went downstairs for breakfast even though it was about fifty minutes before my shift.

After I ate, I got myself together and headed off for work. I was still pretty fucked up from what happened. I mean, my ex was wilding on my doorstep, then I slept with my best friend. You don't just continue to go on with your regular day after some shit like that. At least, not me.

I parked my Jaguar at the movie theater and got out.

Leaning against my car, I pulled up me and Liberty's messages. "How did this happen?" I'm looking through all the food things we've experienced, our photos and messages. When did things become so different between me and her? I want Liberty. A lot. I knew that since I first met her but I feel sick after what I just did. No matter what...she's cuffed and she's Vonna's girl at the end of the day.

I can't forget that.

I entered work, feeling like this was one of those days that I just wanted to blend in. But of course, my prayers were not answered. I had to stand out.

"Can I get a bag of Doritos?" a customer asked.

"Sure? Will that be all?"

"Yes...Oh! Your hair is just so beautiful. I couldn't help but mention that," she gushed.

"Thank you ma'am," I tried to move her along after she got her receipt but she seemed like she wanted to stay and talk, and the line was too long behind her.

"What do you use in it?"

"None," I told her, picking something up off my counter. "None what?" the customer asked. "Ya business," I smirked to myself, looking past her and at the next customer.

The nosy customer scoffed and walked off.

Sorry, I'm not in a sharing mood today, miss lady.

I finished through my line even though I never thought I'd get though it. Then came the slow crowd: They trickled in bit by bit until it got to be around six o'clock, then that's when the large crowds form.

An unlikely person ended up at my register.


I looked up from my phone and slipped it into my back pocket. "A'livia. It's been a minute."

"The neglected best friend. I know. When Liberty came to me, I knew something had to have happened between the two of you. I've rarely been seeing her around nowadays," she commented.

"You're not neglected. I don't know why Liberty's doing her friends like that. I'm not keeping her from y'all," I thought for a moment, "Never mind, I forgot about Vonna. It's prolly her doing."

"Well, regardless, Vonna's been out and free. I heard about y'all's fight too from Liberty. Amy just got out an hour ago. And Liberty was confiding in me about you guy's sex-

"If she confided in you about it, you sure you sposed to be here telling me what she said?" I rose an eyebrow, amused.

"Look, this is in her best interest. I think you're better for her than Vonna is. I personally feel like she's gonna go back to her old ways and I'm sorry... but you're more legit. If there's anyway I can get Vonna out of the picture, I'll let you know."

"I'm not trying to do that. If anything, if I made a move on Liberty, I'd wait until she's single."

A'livia rose a brow of her own.

"Excluding our sex. That wasn't intentional at all. It really was because I couldn't resist her. I was stressed in the moment and I wasn't thinking."

"If she's cheating on Vonna, she might cheat on you? Is that what you think?" she asked curiously.

"That's part of the reason. Another is that we're better off as friends rather than girlfriends. I feel like Liberty just isn't relationship-mature enough for me."

"Liberty's conflicted," A'livia leaned on the counter.

"I know. So am I. But it feels like I'm the only one trying to respect what she has with Vonna. The only one tryna keep her pussy lips in her big girl panties, and not succumb to the hoe tactics of the summer time."

"Hoe tactics?" A'livia laughed.

"Yes," I nodded. I glanced towards the back area to see if my manager was watching. He wasn't. "I really wanna ditch work today but I can't. Liberty already pulled me out yesterday."

"Yeah, she told me about that," A'livia cut in.

"How about we hang after I get off? I usually chill with Liberty but I think I'd rather retain my sanity for now and be on my own for a bit," I admitted.

"Y'all taking a break from one another?" she asked.

"I haven't really talked to her since this morning, but something like that, I guess. We had a big argument before we got into the sexual shit. She wants the best of both worlds, but me and Vonna don't move the same way no more."

"I just hope she can figure out the right option for herself before she hurts the three of you."

"Some love triangle we got going," I sighed.

"It's something, for sure," A'livia chuckled.

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