James And Bear

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The Fat Controller came to visit 7101 at the works.
"How are you feeling after yesterday, 7101?" He asked kindly.
"Much better, Sir, thank you, the men here work wonders!" Smiled 7101.
"That's always good to hear, would you like to stay on my railway? We certainly need your strength on the goods trains." The Fat Controller offered.
7101 was stunned.
"Me, Sir? But... I failed... I broke down on my first train..." he stammered.
"Henry told me how hard you worked to keep the train going, most diesels would have given up but you saw the job through, a true mark of really useful engines!" The Fat Controller smiled kindly.
7101 saw the kindness in his heart and supporting looks of BoCo outside.
"Thank you, Sir. No other controller would be so kind as you. I'd be happy to join your fleet." 7101 said happily.
"That's fantastic, how would you like a fresh coat of paint after yesterday's trial?" The Fat Controller suggested.
"That would be lovely, Sir. Could I have dark green please?"
"Certainly, I'll arrange it with the manager here." The Fat Controller agreed and strolled away.
"Looks like you're one of us now, although you really ought to get a name..." BoCo chuckled.
"Like what?"
"Bear?!" James gasped at Tidmouth while talking to BoCo.
"Why not? His engine does growl." BoCo chuckled.
"Yes, and Duck quacks!" Said James sarcastically.
"I heard that!" Duck snapped from accross the yard.
BoCo laughed and rolled away.
James was still confused.
He met 'Bear' later.
"Why are they calling you 'Bear'?" He quizzed.
"Ah well, it's something different, not to mention the growling noice that my engine has a habbit of making! Just like a bear." Chuckled the diesel.
"Well if you ask me, I think it's silly." James retorted. "You don't see me naming myself after an animal!"
"What about Duck and Toad?" Edward asked as he rolled alongside the red engine.
"They, have a proper reason. Duck looks like he's waddling from directly in front and Toad is named after his class of brakevan!" James replied smugly, "Not after their engine's noise!" The guard blew his whistle and James steamed smugly away.
"I'd like to teach him a lesson!" Grumbled Bear.
"James may be vain, but he's a good engine. Just give him time." Smiled Edward kindly.
Bear wasn't so sure.
The next day, he was at Knapford shunting when James arrived.
"Morning, Grizzly!" He teased.
"It's Bear." Bear corrected.
"Same difference." Muttered James.
"Anyway, I'm running late, do me a favour and fetch me my coaches would you?" He continued loftily.
"I wish I could but my train is due out soon and..." Bear was cut off.
"Let me rephrase, fetch my coaches." James ordered.
"Yes, Sir!" Bear grumbled bitterly and went to find them.
"Most kind of you!" James said cheekily as his coaches were coupled up.
Bear was cross and began thinking how to get even.
Over the next few days, James kept forcing Bear to fetch his coaches no matter how busy he was!
At last, Bear spoke to Thomas about it.
"If you ask me, you should play a joke on him..." Thomas suggested.
"Like what? I'm not too good with pranks." Bear replied.
"I'd ask Bill and Ben or Donald and Douglas. " Thomas winked, "They're like the kings of tricks!" With that, the little blue engine scampered off.
"The twins, huh?" Bear said to himself.
Later, Bear was at the docks when the twins chimed in.
"I take it you two are Bill and Ben?" Bear smiled.
"That's us alright!" Bill grinned.
"Great, I need some help with a prank of sorts..." Bear whispered.
"Ooh! Who's the victim?" Ben asked slyly.
"James." Bear replied.
"I've got an idea for you!" Bill smirked and whispered it to Bear.
"I'll do it tomorrow!" Bear winked and rolled away with a cheeky grin.
The next morning, James had to pull an express to Crovans Gate as Rebecca needed a new cylinder.
He fussed into the station and was furious to find Bear was nowhere to be seen!
"Typical! The one day I have an important train!" He grumbled and collected the train from the yard at Tidmouth Sheds.
He didn't see Bear coupled to the back of the train!
James crossly brought the coaches to the platform and waited impatiently for the passengers to board.
Little did he know, Bear was ready to strike...
As soon as the guard blew his whistle, Bear began pushing the train with all his might while James was forced up the line!
"WOAH! WHAT'S HAPPENING!" he cried as he was pushed through the junction.
Bear just smirked and pushed even harder!
James was out of breath as they passed Elsbridge as Thomas was put in hysterics.
James was more tired than he'd ever been.
"Stop, please!" He weazed.
Bear just kept going until they reached Crovans Gate.
When they stopped Bear howled with laughter as he rolled alongside.
"Why... why did... why did you do that?!" James panted.
"I just thought you needed some help being late and all." Bear said innocently and rolled away.
James was speechless and vowed never to be rude to Bear ever again!

The North Western Engines: Series TwoWhere stories live. Discover now