Devoted Heroes

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     It was after the joint training exercise against Class 1-B and everyone was exhausted from all the hard work they did; Well, almost everyone. Wendy and her friend/sister, Chelia, we're the only ones who still have a lot of energy. Once the joint training exercise was done, everyone returned to their dorms and get the perfect opportunity to relax.

     Eijiro, however, wanted to talk with Wendy about something important, alone. So, he decides to ask her to meet him outside the dorms and under the cherry blossom tree.

Eijiro: "Hey, Pebble. What's up?"

Wendy: "Hi, Eijiro. I'm just a little bit exhausted from the training exercise today."

Eijiro: "No kidding; Monama was out of control when he attacked you in the final match."

Wendy: "Honestly, I hated that guy since the Sports Festival and that hasn't changed at all."

Eijiro: "Your not the only one who feels irritated by that guy. I mean, just take a look at Bakugo."

Wendy: "Yeah, that's true."

     Both laughed for a bit and then Eijiro got to ask Wendy something important.

Eijiro: "Hey, Wendy?"

Wendy: "What's up, Eijiro?"

Eijiro: "There's something I gotta tell you and it's been on my mind for a while now."

Wendy: "Really? What is it?"

     Eijiro then took a deep breath in and told Wendy how he feels about her.

Eijiro: "For a while now, it seems like everything began to change the moment you came with your sister Chelia to U.A High. When you first came around, I thought you were always both manly and cute at the same time."

     Wendy giggled a bit when Eijiro called her manly.

Wendy: "Well I am a girl, you know. It's true though; Some actions I take can be a bit extreme to my nature."

     Eijiro smiled and laughed a little bit from the comment she gave

Eijiro: "Right; Anyway, it made me believe something other than your cuteness or your manliness. It was your compassion and care for others that got me drawn to you."

Wendy: "My Compassion?"

Eijiro: "Yeah. You give people hope regardless of what happens and inspired them to never give up on it. I found that the most amazing part of you."

Wendy: "Eijiro..."

Eijiro: "Wait there's more; During that time, I realized something amazing that I wanted to believe it was completely true. So, I had to face it head on and hope for the best. Not only that, but I also want to be the kind of person that would help others when they need it most; Including the ones that I consider special and important to me."

Wendy: "Eijiro, what are you trying to say?"

Eijiro took a deep breath and finally told Wendy how he feels about her.

Eijiro: "I'm saying that I love you, Wendy. Will you have my girlfriend?"

     Wendy's eyes started to glow up and felt tears forming from her eyes when Eijiro confessed, and she soon began to smile and give him an answer.

Wendy: "Oh Eijiro, of course I'll go out with you; And I love you too."

     Wendy then embraced Eijiro with a hug and they both leaned in close to each other with a sweet kiss.

Eijiro: "This just became the best day of my life."

Wendy: "Same here; It's only the beginning for us now."

Eijiro: "Yeah, and it's gonna be even more exciting for us in the near future."

Wendy: "Don't I know it."

Eijiro: "Together, we'll face any danger head on."

Wendy: "Yeah, and nothing nor nobody will drag us down."

     With those words said, Wendy and Eijiro began to sing.


     They soon embraced each other with a kiss and started making their way back to the dorms. This was the best Valentine's Day ever in their new life together.

The End

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