A Supernatural Occurrence

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Y/n's POV (7 years old)

Y/n stands alone in a forest, staring a floating blue apparition, its own gaze kept on the young Stark. Mesmerized, he reaches out to it, earning a bright giggle. Amazed by the bright yet dark blue hue, he followed it. When it disappeared, he looked around in fear until it reappeared earning a loud giggle from the boy. The creature smiles brightly and moves away from him, waving for him to follow.

Choosing to follow the creature, Y/n smiled and came upon a thick brush. However, after his toe hit a strange rock. Falling onto his butt holding his newly broken toe, he found himself on the verge of tears. His new friend appears before him and heals his toe, a loud snap follows, earning a cry of pain from the small boy. When the boy grows quiet, the creature looks him over in concern.

When Y/n stands back up, the creature brightens up a little in joy before leading him to a group of glowing stones.

Approaching one, Y/n says, "pretty."

Turning around, he doesn't see the creature and looks down in silence. Then, the creature appears in front of him causing him to smile once more. Tilting its head, it became curious.

Standing up, Y/n saw the stones' glow and gasped in awe. Turning to the stone in the middle, he approached it and stepped onto the water, not falling through and letting his feet grow wet. The creature's eyes widen in surprise as it studies the boy in front of him. Touching the blue stone, Y/n feels a rush of energy flow into him. Absorbing all of the excess, Y/n starts to fall, and would have hit the ground had it not been for the creature.

Breathing heavily, the boy recovered and watched the stone show him a strange portal. Staring into the portal, Y/n wandered inside. Finding himself in a strange place, everything changed, and the portal closed. His body changed to fit that of a grown man. Watching everything from a first-person point of view, he watched himself approach a woman with a bright smile.

"Aleya!" The soldier exclaimed.

"Maxis!" Aleya cried.

Y/n watched himself grab onto the young woman, confused as could be.

"Should we find my quarters and find a way to enjoy a night of passion?"

"Shh. Husband, a grandchild is watching us."

Realizing who they'd been, it all clicked. Aleya focused on the boy with her gaze, smiling warmly causing him to freak out and everything fade away. Finding himself alone in the stone courtyard, Y/n stood up and looked around. Nothing but the standing stones, stood.

A low rumbling filled the air. Y/n listened closely, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer. Recognizing the sound as his father's suit, he looked to the sky. His father landed nearby and found his way to his son.

"How did you get all the way out here, kiddo?"

"I...I don't know?"

"Okay, let's go home."


Before his father took off with him in his arms, Y/n turned to the stones.

"Found a new friend, huh?"

Y/n shakily nodded.

"Cool. Now, let's go home."

Taking off, the two Starks returned home.

At the sight

A small wisp turns to the reader and smiles, bringing a finger to their lips with a whispering shh before disappearing.

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