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Percy goes back to his table and sits with his friends. 

"What did Apollo want?" Annabeth asks.

"Yeah, he seemed nervous." Jason adds glancing at the Apollo table were said god is at.

"Haven't seen him be that nervous since he was a mortal." Piper asks.

Percy sighs. "Well, according to him I am his. Soulmate?"

"Soulmate?" Hazel asks. 

Percy nods. "He said that he wanted to find out who is soulmate is because he is tired of messing up relationships." He sighs and shrugs. "I don't know what to do about it. I mean... I've been attracted to him for the past few weeks but. That all just. seems a lot."

The seven are silent for a moment. 

"Did he say he can take it back?" Leo asks.;

"He said if I want to. he wont force me to be with him if I don't want to be with him."

"Maybe that means hes not causing your feelings. he just. wanted to find the person who will be compatible with him?" Frank says a little cautiously. 

Piper nods. "Hes not the god of love... obviously." 

"Just be careful Percy. Hes still a god." Annabeth says softly.


"So. what happened?" Kayla asks glancing at Percy.

"He asks for a little bit to think. I don't know what that means or if he likes me." Apollo says sitting on the bench and putting his head down. "He hates me..." the god decides.

"I doubt he hates you." Nico says rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah, its not like he yelled at you or anything. he seems pretty calm." Yan says watching the seven demigods talk amongst themselves. 

Though Apollo being a god, can hear what they are saying, especially considering the fact they are talking about him. So he tunes out his children and listen to what the Seven are saying more.

"Dad." Jerry says nudging his dad a bit.

"Yes?" He says giving his kids attention agaij.

"Are you eves dropping on them?"

"Just a little its fine."

The next day he goes to Meg.

"Are you okay you seem upset?"

Apollo shrugs and dramatically falls on the couch. "I basically told Percy i love him." He says not wanting Meg to teas him about the whole wanting to find a soulmate.

"Did he reject you?"

"No. He said hell think about it." Apollo whines.

Meg nods slowly. "Thats not necessary a bad thing."

"What if he says no?" Apollo cries.

"Then move on. At least you didnt kill him. Or turn him into a plant."

Apollo pouts. "I was hoping i wouldn't mess it up for once."

Meg shrugs. "Maybe you wont."

Apollo looks at her. "So much optamism."

Meg rolls her eyes. "You said you chose someone who you cant mess up."

Apollo shrugs. "To my luck ill still fail."

Meg hugs him, wich is a small suprise to Apollo since Meg dosnt do that often. But he hugs her back.

"Youll be ok Apollo." She says softly.

"Thank you Meg." He mumbles.

After a while he leavs Meg to go to Olympus and sees Posidon. Well im going to avoid that for as long as possible. He thinks to himself as he quickly walks away. No one needs to know about Percy right now.

Percy paces his room and groans in frustrated falling on the bed. Today has been alright, he got to play with Estell and see his mom and dad, but Apollo has been on the back of his mind. Stupid blond god...

Sally knock on the door and walks in. "Dinner is ready. Are you okag?" She asks sitting on the bed.

"Im fine. Just. Apollo is annoying." Percy mumbles.

Sally frowns. "Whatd he do?"

"He... I dont even fully understand what he did. Just. The easist way to think of it is. He asked me out..." Percy says and sits up. "But he did ao in a very weird and confusing way. He said somthing about... finding or making a soulmate. I dont know."

Sally looks away trying to figure out what Percy means. "So. What do you want to do? Ill support you in your decision. No matter how dangerus it may be."

"I didnt think youd think of Apollo as dangerous since you have him check up on Estell instead of taking her to a doctor."

"Doctors are expensive. Apollo just wants food." Sally points out. "And yes i may trust him on checking in Estelle. But that dosnt change a fact being in a romantic relationship with a god is dangerous. From what I have heard of all the gods Apollo may only be second dangerous to anger or date besides Zeus." She says seeming nervous to say so but luckly nothing happens.

"I mean. I think Apollo is attractive. I have thought so for a while. Just." Percy sighs. "He also said he wanted some one he wont mess up with thats why he did it. Do you think. Maybe. Ill be diffrent."

Sally smiles softly and brushes Percys hair back. "Youve done amazing things before Percy. You wont know unless you try. And thats all up to you. Just. Please be careful."

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