I Don't Know, Maybe...

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"dad. I'll be fine"

"no, no! You forgot your scarf! You'll be cold!"

"okay, fine... Last thing. Alright? Anything else?"

"hmm... Extra food, water... Money... Scarf... Uh... Ooh! This necklace..."

"oh... The locket... I... I remember"

"good that you remember, don't forget to call me, alright?"

"okay dad... Goodbye, you two"


'they're noisy. It's 7 am' she thought.

(y/n) glared slightly at them as they talked happily, a couple of screams, but still. It was noisy to her.

(y/n) is a 22 year old woman, almost as tall as their captain.

She had a dull (h/c) colored hair that was tied into a half bun, her (e/c) eyes were dull with tiredness and her slightly pale skin was kind of concerning to the captain, Who was also the doctor.

Their captain is the legendary surgeon of death, a supernova, the one who allied with straw hat luffy, the man who defeated Doflamingo and kaido, the man who's passion is making people cry, scream, and traumatize them.

The man who likes being alone, the man who always blacks out drunk in his room, the man who always keeps his crew in check, the man who's always worried about the sake of his crew but not his own sake.

The man who's looks are like a God's, the man who's piercing silver eyes that can shift into a gold color in a blink of an eye, who's lust is for wealth and power alone, who's hair is as dark as a raven's wing, who's personality is darker than his own shadow.

Mysterious as a spirit, darker than light, deadly as life.

Many words can describe this man, but to (y/n), he's just a no good asshole who can't even take care of himself, a man baby who always gets what he wants, a pervert most of the time, a person who likes attention to those who doesn't give him.

I. E, (y/n).

Why? Well, (y/n) just follows his demand with no question, she respects him, but she just doesn't give him the attention he 'needed'.

To be fair he just wants to piss (y/n) off for some reason as an 'experimental' attempt when in reality, he just wants (y/n) to at least notice him or give him a recognition.

The only time he'd have her recognition is when he patch her up or help her medically.

Ps. (y/n) always patch herself up, she doesn't need his help or anyone's, she's dependent on her own strength, law knows his chance of getting initial recognition from her would be one in a million.

Oh, and to see her smile, he saw her smile once, and it was the most beautiful sunshine he ever saw.

Her gentle smile, the curve of her lips, and the way it just looked so... Warm.

He saw her smile once when she was talking to someone, he didn't had the chance to eavesdrop because he was too distracted looking at her beautiful, smiling features.

On that day, he swore to have (y/n) all to himself.

Even if it means to have to kill for him to have it.

Fortunately enough, (y/n) doesn't show interest in anyone.

Well.... Let's see about that last part.


"they're so noisy..." (y/n) grumbled as she covered her ears slightly.

"you're not fond of loud noises, aren't you?" law asked as he sat next to (y/n).

"no shit, Sherlock" (y/n) rolled her eyes and she reached one hand off her ear and took her mug of coffee.

"still with the attitude" law muttered but smirked under his facade.

Law somewhat liked it when (y/n) insults him.

The crew noticed that but it irked (y/n) so much that she'd insult him every single day just for him to stop talking to her.

On the crew's side however, they've never seen their captain more than pleased when getting insult, the look in his eyes just displayed pure bliss.

They don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, well at least now they aren't hearing the screams of unfortunate souls whenever thehe were to be left alone in the sub.

For now at least, if he's had enough, he'd resort back to his 'ancient' ways.

Although (y/n) couldn't care less about the screams, as long as he stayed away from what she considers her personal space, she's good with it.

"why are you not a fan of noises?"

"keyword: noises." (y/n) simply answered, "your question is shitty as you"

"oh..." he grinned with a small bliss, "well... Why are you not fan of loud sounds though? Genuine question"

"ugh. Are you stupid? You're a doctor and you don't know?" she groaned, "I have enhanced hearing. My ears can hear more sounds than a normal human could, I can hear a pin drop despite this loud.... Room"

"no wonder you can hear whispers" law had widened his eyes.

Enhanced senses are quite rare, like 10 percent in a trillion

"whispers to me are normal leveled conversations. Like us right now" (y/n) grumbled, "I'm taking meds to lessen the sensitivity o f my enhanced hearing, it may be called a blessing to others but it's actually a curse"

"is that so? Then I apologize for yelling sometimes."

"it's alright, I don't mind... I can always cover my ears" she sighed

"then, loud sounds like gathered clapping or lightning strikes, how would that be to you?"

"oh, like a high volume frequency, you know... Combine a baby's ear ringing cry, a little girl's shriek, and the sound of people yelling in one small room."

"just imagining it would make me insane..." he hums, "still. You're quite strong" he smiled

"my father helped me, he has the same condition as I do, but his... His is more stronger than I am" (y/n) sighed.

"how'd you live in such a condition?"

"I usually wear earplugs, but I can't find mine this morning" she sighed and gulped down the last bits of her coffee.

"really? I think I have some, I'll let you borrow mine" he offered.

"oh, really? That'd be great then, why do wear them though?"

Law just points at the crew, "I sleep and they're noisy"

"I see..." she hums, "thanks, nonetheless"

I don't know, maybe? (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now