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Come morning, I packed all my belongings and followed a crow down the road

I didn't know who's crow it was but it sure was helpful

The blue spider lily was gently wrapped in a cloth, only a little dead

It was something Urokodaki noticed

When I'm around the flower, it doesn't age, meaning it doesn't die.

I soon arrived at a garden like area, I saw two white haired kids outside playing

Soon they turned to me before speaking in sync

"You must be Y/n, please follow us" They said as I nervously nodded walking behind them

"Ah Y/n, good to see you, I've been told many things"

"Hello, erm"

"Kagaya is fine"

"Kagaya, but isn't that your first name, wouldn't you like me to adress you by something else?" I asked

"It's quiet Alright dear child, I have a feeling you're going to play a huge part in this" he spoke as I nodded

Oh wait he's blind

"Withstanding sun alone means you have the same importance as the blue spider lily, I'd like you to eat the spider lily, trusting that you'd stay on our side"

"Eat the blue spider lily? And yes I would never turn, after all its fates choice. What would eating the spider lily do?" I asked

"It would increase your strength and will, but the prossess will hurt, the main purpose Is to get rid of it, and the best way is through you, and if you'd like, I can get you a demon slayer uniform and Katana" he spoke

"Well, I'll gladly eat the blue spider lily if that's what fate wants, but I'll pass on the uniform and katana, I have my own things, but I'll gladly be apart of the core"

The master hummed in satisfaction before speaking again, calling his crow

"Summon Shinobu please" he spoke as his crow set off

"I've summoned the smartest of the Hashira, If I can get her to understand, then she can help with the prossess" He explained

I nodded, slightly nervous

Isn't Tomioka a Hashira, and he tried to kill me

What if she secretly poisons me?!

No, no, they're loyal to the master

And even if I do die, it's fate

A few moments later a woman with black to purple hair came in, dressed in a butterfly like attire

Almost instantly she panicked, grabbing the sheath of her sword

"Shinobu, it's quiet okay, she's with us"

"What? Master, she's a demon" Shinobu hesitated

"Y/n, please introduce yourself" he spoke

I hesitantly put my hand over my heart

"I'm Y/n" I stated very awkwardly and plainly

In response the master laughed

"Y/n hasn't eaten anyone for 200 years, and shows no signs of doing so, she's even adapted to walk in the sun, meaning she's a target of Muzan, if she's found out that is. Not only that, I have three people willing to slit their stomach if she were to bring harm. My main reason for telling you this is because she has also found the blue spider lily, and I need her to consume it so Muzan isn't lured. I want you to help with that"

"I'd like to say I'm seventeen though" I spoke 

Shinobu was silent

"But she's a demon"

"I have Intel too" I spoke

She looked up at me, scrunching her eyebrows

"I have information and uppermoon one, two and three" I spoke matter of factly

She blinked a couple of times

"Very well then, I'd like to know all, but firstly,  what do you know about uppermoon two?" She asked

"His name is Douma, he acts like a complete tease but under the surface it seems like he feels nothing, I also beleive he can clone himself. He definitely seems like the manipulative and sadistic type, uppermoon three hates him, and made it sound like he has a weird thing for women." I spoke

Shinobu nodded in understanding, some of it she knew, some she didnt, so she was thankful

"I'll hear the rest later, as much as I don't want to, I'll help. I'm Kocho Shinobu" She spoke, looking down

She seems angry

I bowed, hands on the ground

"Thank You, I hope fate treats you well" I spoke before sitting back up

The master dismissed us as Shinobu led me into the butterfly estate, making sure no one saw before rushing me into a room

"Im going to go grab supplies, you lay there" She instructed

I layed down as instructed, about ten minutes later Shinobu came back

"If what the master says is true, then the pain will be high, so I'm going to bind you down" Shinobu spoke, locking the door

She still doesn't trust me, oh well, probably for the best

Shinobu binded me down, making sure I was still elevated before picking up the blue spider lily and crushing it up into warm tea

"Drink this, the tea is infused with medications to help with the prossess, granted it'll help and speed up the prossess but might make it more painful, if I give you anything else it might interfere" She spoke as I nodded, slightly sweating

She put the liquid to my lips as I drank it as fast as possible without choking

Hey this isn't so ba- JDBDJ3BRI3O9RN3399R

it felt like my whole body and being were about to explode

I lightly tugged on the restraints, a low growl coming from my mouth

I noticed Shinobu grab the handle of her sword

"Im- fine! Do not worry about- me-!" I huffed slightly

Good lord kill me

After about 2 minutes I had blacked out


"Goodmorning Y/n" Shinobu huffed slightly, I was still chained down

"Morning?" I mumbled "is it done? Where do I go now?"

She nodded, hesitantly taking the restraints off as I sat up

"Your left arm" She muttered

I quickly looked at my arm to see glowing blue lines spiraled across it, almost as if my skin was breaking

"Okay- thats" I hummed "I'll have to cover that up"

"So what do you know about uppermoon 1 and 3?" She asked

"Uppermoon one, his name is Kokushibo, he's the one who turned me into a demon, he has six eyes and seems to be able to infuse a breathing form within his blood demon art, that's where I learned, dispite being self taught" I started "Uppermoon three, Akaza, he's very strong and good at detecting, he seems to have something against hurting women. He spoke about a battle spirit, but I'm not to sure what that is"

Shinobu nodded in understanding, turning silent

"So....i don't mean to be rude, but, where do I go?" I nervously chuckled

"The master said you can stay with him, I'll come in sometimes to check on you"


Hi hi! Sorry for not updating anything in a while, but I'm on break! Stress has been to much, but I figured I'd update this since it was almost done in the first place!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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