Chapter 3

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The bell finally rang, signaling the end of school. For today at least... I go to my locker, take my backpack out, and head to our meeting spot. And I wait.

About a half an hour passed before Jacob showed up.
"Hey." He said
"Hey." I replied.
"What are we going to discuss?" He asked.
"I'll wait until everyone's here before I discuss our plans." I say.
"Alright" he replies.

Around five minutes later, Zach shows up. "Hey guys, what's up?"
"Well, look up. Tell me what you see, and there's your answer." I tell him. He laughed.
"Wow. Really?" Jacobs says, laughing a little too.
"We have to wait for everyone else yet" I told them.

Mitchel and Jason show up at almost the same time around 10 minutes later. "Hey guys. Why are we meeting today?" Jason asks.
"I'll let everyone know when everyone gets here. Is there anyone else coming that you know of?" I said.
"Mario and Carson might come yet." Mitchel told us.
"Alright. I'll give them 15 more minutes to get here. If none of them show up until then, the meeting will continue on." I informed them. When Carson and Mario never showed up, I informed them all about what happened to Jack last night. I explained how he was stabbed and I saw it happen.
"Who do you think it was?" Jason asked.
"I don't know. That's what we're here to figure out. But I know for a fact that it's someone from our school." I replied.
"What are we gonna do? Ask everyone in our school, 'Hey, did you commit a murder?' We've gotta be real here." Zach said.
"You serious? You really think that'd work, then I guess you just expect the murderer to jump right in front of us and say, 'HEY! I JUST MURDERED YOUR FRIEND!!!'" I said sarcastically.
"Come on guys. We need to take this job more seriously." Mitchel said.
All of the sudden, we heard an icecream truck. Jacob and Jason shouted, "ICE CREAM!!!!" When they tried to take off, I stopped them and said, "Really guys?! Come on!!! We're not frickin three years old!"
"Well sorry!" Jason said.
"Can we just have a little fun?" Jacob asked.
"No. Jack was just killed yesterday, and you want to have fun? This is serious stuff. We know a lot more than the cops do; making us more important to this than anyone is."
"Makes sense." Mitch said.
"So really, what should we do?" Jason asked.
"What I think we should do, is tag along to everyone. Dress in all black, keep in speaking distance with them, eavesdrop on their conversations, figure stuff out. Like assassins, but no killing. Make sure they either don't notice you're there, or act as if you're a part of their group. I make myself clear?" I ask.
"Yes master," Jason said, and everyone said the same.
"Good. The meeting is over then. Let all of our other friends that couldn't make the meeting know about this stuff. And don't tell anyone about our group."
"Got it." Mitch said.
And without another word, we all walked home. Jacob stayed back, to get a ride from his parents. Jason walked to me with my house, and so did Mitch. Zach walked to his house by himself.

Jason isn't really a great host. Im a great host, I have a lot of stuff. In my room, I have an Xbox, PS3, wii, a couch, and a bunk bed. There's plenty of places to sit. Near the wall of my couch, in the corner, my bookcase holds all of my games and remotes. The outlet closest to the bookcase has an outlet with 6 outlets. So it's prepared to be penetrated by all of our chargers for our mobile devices. My room is just ready for a party. I really wanted that, but mom doesn't let anyone sleep over when there's more than three people coming over. Jason and Mitchel spent the night. Mostly all we did was play video games, ate pizza and popcorn, drinking sodas, just having a night to hang out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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