Chapter 1: hybrid?

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"Alright Mom, I'm off to school now." I call out as I close the front door.

I look down at my phone and check the date. It's August 8th, 2048. My first day of college.

Soon enough I make it to the entrance, stopping to wait in line to get my barcode scanned.

"Wrist?" A deep voice asks, I look up and gently put my wrist in his hold. The man next to him is holding a tablet.

He uses a scanner to check my barcode, then looks to the man next to him. The man nods.

"Enjoy your first day, all hail President Cheol." He says to which I recite, "all hail President Cheol."

Pushing past a bunch of students, I make my way to the office to get my schedule.

Knock knock.

"Come in!"

The door makes noise as I open it, I enter the office and shut the door behind me.

"Nice to see you again Ms. Lee." The man says with a smile as I sit down in a chair.

"May I have my schedule?"

"Here you go." I grab the blue paper from off the table and skim through the list of classes.

"tech teachings? really?" I scoff, the older man laughs.

"You know with our government we're required to teach everyone about the new advancing technology."

"hm yes I know, all of the history lessons we've taken for the past 13 years has taught me that." I dryly laugh, checking my watch only to see that class is about to start.

Getting up I look back at the man and send him a smile, "thanks for the schedule, let's hope tech teachings isn't gonna be a bitch."

"Y/N, watch your mouth. Soldiers are everywhere you know." The man laughs.

"Yes I know, catch you later uncle." With that I shut the door to the office and walk to my first class.

"That girl is gonna get into some serious trouble someday.."

As you enter class, you look at the soldier standing at the door.

"Take your seats everyone, welcome to the history class about our great country." I go to sit next to a blonde boy in the back.

You note that the soldier stays to watch during class, a new addition to the many rules the government puts in place you assume.

"So as you know, in 2020 we became divided. We have the middle and poor class and the high society."

"The middle and poor class live on the the ground floor, that's us. High society lives up in clouds, on floating isles."

"Does anyone know why we decided to divide our world this way?"

A boy raised his hand, "because of the advancement in technology?"

"that's correct but also incorrect. The right answer?"


"The high society has access to flying cars, fast transportation, free food, huge houses, AI's that assist their needs, and way more. Everything is electric there and artificial as opposed to here in the middle class."

"but why must we be divided? why are they allowed to have everything good but we don't get shit?"

Everyone turns to look at the blonde haired male next to me.

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