"I'm Millie"

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I ended up brushing off whatever happened and worrying about it later. That was the least of my problems. Right now, I have to figure out where my locker is. Maybe I should ask someone for help. "Hey, can you help m-" "Sorry, I have to meet someone right now so can't help you right now stranger" "Excuse me, I-" "Someone is calling me, sorry" "If it's not too much trouble can you-" "Who are you..."

I got a similar response from everyone I asked. Is everyone at this school that self-centered and only worried about themselves? Well except for that guy back outside...No. Don't think about him. I'm sure he'll turn out to be just like everyone else here and just act like that out there to make fun of me with his friends. I sighed and tried to look for some type of signage.

I climbed two sets of stairs and found a locker bay filled with people. It was crazy. people were filming each other, people blasting music, people whispering, people flirting, just people. No one looked like they cared about getting prepared for classes. What the hell is this school?

I tried my luck of talking to someone again. "Hey, I'm new here, how do the lockers work here?" he turned to look at me. "Hey, Quandale Dingle here. You just choose whatever locker you want. By the way, do you want to hear a story about my goofy aww uncle?" "Umm..no thank you but thanks for the information..Quandale". He seemed a little strange but at least someone is finally willing to talk to me.

All the lockers were occupied except for one. A girl was standing next to it. She had long light brown hair. She had these beautiful dark eyes too, her makeup was just as amazing as her clothing style. She looks so cool. I tapped her shoulder and she slowly lifts her eyes off her phone and onto me. She was a little intimidating. "Is that locker taken?" I said, pointing to the vacant-looking locker.

She looked at the locker and then looked back at me. "No, actually, I use it to store an invisible canister of oxygen just in case we get into an apocalypse where we suddenly have an air shortage" "Really?" "No dumbass, obviously it's vacant. There's no lock on there" she grumbled. Jeez. What a fantastic start to my first day, everyone hates me already...

I sighed and proceeded in putting my stuff into the locker, but that girl was still staring at me. It wasn't a normal stare, it was like she was drilling a hole inside of me with that look. "Uhh..." I turned to her. "Sorry we started on bad terms, I'm Millie" "I'm Y/N" I smiled. At least she apologized. "You're one of the first people who actually want to talk to me" "Don't worry about it, everyone here is an ass" "Yeah, I could tell from the attitudes I was getting," I said, getting my books from my locker. "..What are you doing?" the brunette said. Millie was looking at me as if I...I don't know, brought a condom to school.

"I'm getting ready for classes because maybe I don't want to end up working at Mcdonald's" I responded. "Do you really want to go to class? Think about this" "Yeah, why wouldn't I? It is my first day after all" "The teachers are fucking weird..and some of them are..." "Some of them are what? What's wrong with them?"

"....they're gay..." "..Ok? That doesn't change anything. I think you should just stop being a little pussy and actually go to class with me" "WHAT? You don't even know what grade I'm in" "10th grade right?" "Yeah...how did you know?" "Lucky guess, me too, are you in 10P?" (that's the name of the class btw)

She nods. I dragged her by her arm to the classroom as she whined about the teacher and how he's a whore, f4g, and goofy ahh. I wasn't going to tolerate anyone in this annoying ass school and let them just treat me so lowly like I'm at the bottom of the food chain. Why can't they all be nice like that guy outside? I wonder if we're in the same class...

We finally reached the class. 15 minutes late actually because Millie kept holding onto every pillar she could for dear life and refused to let go until I pulled her off. I was puffed. This is the worst first day ever. When is it going to be my main character moment where everything goes right for me and everyone is in love with me and stares in awe when I walk past them?

Thanks to being enrolled in a shitty school like this it's the complete opposite.

I opened those classroom doors to reveal 20 pairs of eyes looking in my direction in an instant. Well, there should've been 21, because there were 20 students and one teacher...but the teacher was blindfolded. Then he started laughing suddenly. Maybe Millie was right...

"This is going to be the hardest year of school ever," I thought. I did see some familiar faces in the crowd of the students in the room like Quandale Dingle and...him. That guy from earlier. We were in the same class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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