day 3:

21 1 0

It thunderstormd earlier that morning , " ahh make it stop " Martha said , " I used too think thunderstorms were.. majestic " Leah said , " that still you're take?! " I asked , " no " she replied , " all right everyone grab and end get under " dot said , we quickly scrabbled getting under , " how's you're ankle " dot asked Martha , " better , but it's so itchy " she complaind , " my leg is kinda itchy too" I shivered , " yeah mine too " Shelby said , " shit , sand fleas " dot  said , " sand what ?! " Fatin asked , " sand fleas " she answered , " no " Fatin said , " they're not really like fleas but more like tiny little shrimp " she said , " their not lethal just annoying " she said , " once the rain stops we can just go scrub them off " she said , " you know , before they get a chance too Burrow " dot added ,  " fuck my life !! " Fatin screamed as we pulled her back in ,


" Blue crab sushi from Hinata drizzled in ponzu sauce with just the lightest touch of wasabi" Fatin said , " I just want some Indian tacos the way mom makes them with black beans and Velveeta " Martha said , " oh I would destroy some Velveeta right now like I would just halv it straight from the packet " Toni said , " I would literally do anything for a plate of nachos right about now " I dreamed , " I'm thinking cheesecake factory four cheese pasta fresh brown bread " Shelby said , " okay , " the cheesecake factory is grotesque " Fatin said , " grotesque? " Shelby questioned , " she's saying the cheesecake factory is a mall restaurant for mall people " I stood up, " what is a mall person ? And why do you say it all derogatory like " she asked , " Dottie what is that " Shelby asked , " wet wood gets us black smoke , gets us a signal fire.' she answered, " probably a good Idea too keep it going during the day , and guys you know , I was pretty slack on this yesterday and it cost us we got too get real about shelter if we all you know , pitch in grab the materi.." dot said being cut off by Fatin raising her hand , " yes , lady in the leopard? " She asked , " that sounds really unappealing and I'm exhausted " Fatin said , " and theirs rescue coming so for those reasons I'm out " she added , " just because you shot me down shark tank style doesn't make me any less annoyed " dot said , " we gotta bounce before we get roped up in this bullshit " Rachel said, " yeah no kidding ready when you are " Leah said , " all right , nora you coming ? " Rachel asked , " u-um I mean if you want me too " Nora replied , " yeah why not , Nora's a good swimmer we were both water babies " rachel said, " where y'all going " I asked , " were swimming out too the wreckage, see if we can find anything useful." Leah answered ," alright just real quick what do you guys think about building a shelter " Shelby asked , " not interested in laying down roots " Rachel said ," au revoir "


I was sitting down with Fatin as we read thru Leah's book , " oh , fuck " shoni said plopping down across from me , " how's you're bff " Fatin asked , " you mean Martha ? " Toni asked , " shes over there sleeping off her pill bender " Toni answered, " bff that's rich " she said , " oh , no did you guys have a domestic " I asked , " I don't wanna talk about it " Toni said , Fatin scoffed , " I could be bleeding , right my guts spilling out into the Streets but if Shelby came along with a smile and some fucking muffins Martha would walk right by me " Toni said , " I scoffed , " oh my god , see this is why I don't get tight with girls the drama , the jealousy , the petty revenge schemes " Fatin said , " it's so cringe and small " Fatin added , " tell me about it " I sighed , " Martha's getting taken for a ride , all Shelby wants too do is hang out with her long enough too put " saved a little res girl " on her collage apps " Toni said , " so yeah I'm not out here being petty , I'm just trying too protect my best friend." She said , " are you aries ?" Fatin asked ,
" What ? Who the fuck cares , god ." She said storming off ,


" Carrie showed up in her long blue sundress which floated around her like a cloud " Fatin said continuing too read Leah's book ,  " yes the book is a absolute zero , but Listen too what he wrote next too it " Fatin said " dear Leah , I dreamt about you last night a person only gets a handful of perfect dreams in one's life for me this was one " she said dramatically , " juciy right " she said , I chuckled,  " wow he's super In love with her " Martha said , " and here he just wrote Shetland pinnies forever " fatin said , " what does that mean ? " Martha asked , " obviously a inside joke " I answered , " god their is nothing grosser then then couples and their inside jokes " Fatin said , I have no idea what you're talking about " Martha said , " how you're a knockout " I complimented her as she smiled , " do you want some solid relationship advice ? " Fatin said , " uh - huh " she answered, " okay theirs only three things you have too remember " she said , " skip the handy , dry humping is underrated  , and always carry a stash of uqora " she added , " I chuckled, " what's uqora " Martha asked asked , " it's for utis " fatin answered, " like after you have alot of sex " she said ,  " um how about something more basic , you know like.. how do you even get a guy too like me " Martha said , " oh that's easy " Fatin answered , " you stop paying attention too them and then they just like appear out of nowhere " Fatin said on time as Toni showed up with a mannequin, " so this guy washed up is he good for anything ? Toni said ,


" Yeah see he doesn't really read as straight too me " Toni said , " for real " I laughed , " I mean look at those abs straight boys dont rock a eight pack that hard " she finished , " he could also be a straight gym rat fuck boy , you know ? " She said, " all about his gram channel , sprays acqua di gio on his balls , and he will always leave you on read " Fatin stated ,  " mm , Marcus here will break your fucking heart " she said while caressing the mannequin , " Marcus ? " I chuckled, " yeah where did Marcus come from " Toni asked , " it's a vibe " Fatin answered, " I mean it's kinda close too my name. " Martha smirked , " honestly I feel the chemistry " Fatin said , " tell me about it " I laughed,  " yeah ? " Martha said , " yeah Marty get it " Toni said , " we are back unscathed. " Shelby said as her and dot walked up too us , " and we found a cave  " dot said , " so if rescue doesn't show in the next couple of hours I suggest we get a move on " dot said ,  " thank god , I can not take another night with wet sand in my crack " Fatin said turning over Marcus , " who is this ? " Shelby asked, " that's Marcus Toni found him " Martha said , " I don't have a ton of experience but doesn't that seem especially large ? " Shelby asked , " Martha likes em hung " I answered , " hey !! " Rachel yelled from the distance carrying a orange box,


" So what do we do with it " Martha asked , " what are you looking at me for ? I don't know dick about planes  two days ago was the first time I'd ever even been in one " dot said , " we should open it " Leah suggested, " but it says right on the thing ? " Martha said , " Martha I know but if we get inside we might find the actual recording like the actual tape of what happened too us up there " Leah said ,  " don't we kinda aready know what happened? " Martha asked , " do we ? Can somebody tell me like , the full account? " Leah asked , " from the turbulence too the moment you woke up here " she added , everyone went silent , " besides look at how big and loud the " do not open " is part of me feels like it's telling us too do the opposite like it's being ironic " Leah said , " fuck no ! Were not opening it " Rachel said , " Jesus she's intense " Fatin whispered , " yeah you have no idea she almost killed me out their like a total psychopath " Leah whispered,  " you said there was maybe like a transmitter in here beaming out our location? " dot asked ,  " yeah , it's called a beacon I think it's like a nautical term " Nora answered , " okay but if they haven't found us yet can't we assume this beacon thing is busted I mean maybe if we just try.." Shelby said being cut off , " do not open " what part of that is unclear what of we open it and break a completely functional beacon that would wipe us off the grid entirely is that what you want ?" Rachel said , " cuz if it's what you all want you're fucking damaged " she added , " theirs a bulb inside it but it's out " dot said , " okay so that means it's definitely broken right ? " Martha asked , " if someone suggests opening it one more time i swear too god " Rachel said , " what do you think , Dorothy? " Fatin asked , " okay y'all what we choose too do right now should nort be in the hands off just one person , okay not that Dottie couldn't handle it but she shouldn't put so much responsibility on her " Shelby said ,  " all those in favor raise your hand " Shelby said , as everyone expect Nora and Rachel raises their hand , I reluctantly do as well , " all right then majority rules " Shelby said, as Rachel glared , I hear a beep as dot pushes something into the box , " holy shit " she said  , " do you think that means it's working? " She asked , " I mean I don't know but we have too assume yes " Nora says , " so it's on ? Now their gonna find us " Martha said , " yeah boy , fuck too the yes " Toni said , " wait a second " dot says taking something out of the box " I think this is it..the recording from the flight " she said passing it too Leah as she played it , " this is November Delta 294 are we cleared for departure ? " " November Delta 294 you are.." as Leah skips forward, " 294 out of range engaging distress signal we've gone of course , mayday , mayday ,may.." as Leah skipped again , " lost thrust in both engine's were off course " as Leah skippd ,. " Cabin pressure is gone caption the girls are unconscious we got complete engine failure I'm gonna have too put this down in the water unlatch the exists make sure the girls have flotation devices " " 294 , mayday , mayday , mayday , we've lost thrusts in both engine's and are attempting a water landithold on for the attempt , oh shit ! , Mayday , mayday may.." * Thud * ,  " we should've died.." Leah said , " but we didn't ." Dot said , " were alive.." she added , I felt sick too my stomach like I was going too like but it wouldn't be just a feeling , I quickly went too the side as a hurled up what was left of what I had earlier ,  " shit rocki " Shelby said rushing over water in hand , " are you alright " she asked , " yeah I'm fine " I said coming too my senses


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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