chapter 2 Dont hug me im scared

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as I picked my daughter up from her daycare as she swings my hand while we walk down the loud street the sound of cars blaring by as we walk on the walk board a white slim car zooms into us. silence is all i hear my vision fills with white as I feel pain on my right arm as my head feels like its going to explode. I pass out. I wake up in a hospital I can tell its a hospital by the white ceiling. the sound of silence is thick my right arm hurts as i lift up the blanket from my shoulders to see my right arm is gone panicking my breathing  as my hand is covered in dry blood get it off get it off GET IT OFF as my body shakes the bed shaking with me as a nurse rushes in checking my Iv "oh hello darling are you okay?" She doesn't know. I shake my head no as tears build in my eyes "honey I need you to speak to me" I shake my head agine as the tears run down my cheeks as she grabs a clip board reading my description " oh honey I'm sorry I didn't know.. do you want me to clean the blood off you " I nod my head as my breathing is fast and quivering. As she went a rag whipping the blood off. The water is cold. My daughter comes to mind looking up to her with questionable eyes her eyebrows knit "...I'm sorry honey your daughter didn't make it" my eyes widen as my hand begins to shake holding on the the railing of the bed as tears swell in my eyes I bring hand up to cover my mouth...I feel like shit the nurse gives me a sad look gasping for air..I pass out.

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