Night Light

842 16 4

Hunter and Luz accidentally find each other in the middle of the night.


The wind in the Boiling Isles is surprisingly cold, Luz thought to herself. She breathed in and out deeply, taking note the smell of the air, a mixture of earth and sulfur. Not unpleasant, but not the greatest of smells.

She sighed, trying to keep her mind off of earlier events. She got into a fight with Eda, and said some things she shouldn't have, which made her think about her mom as well as the human realm. Luz realizes she kinda misses how things were with her mom, and should've put more effort into TRYING to be more set in reality. She knows it probably wouldn't have worked either way but she just wishes she could go back and try. Now, who knows when she'll see her mom again? Was this all her fault..?

Tears started to well up in her eyes, and before she knew it, she broke down. She was thankful she went pretty deep into the woods, hoping nobody could hear her sob.


Luz jumped and turned around, hearing the familiar voice, AND nickname.

"H-Hunter!! I uh.." She sniffed and wiped her eyes, leaning on a nearby tree.

"...'Sup?" Luz managed to say aloud. Hunter coughed.

"I was just um.. on a midnight stroll, but then I heard noises and figured I'd check it out.-"

He paused.

"...Are you okay..?" He said soft and genuine.

She smiled, and nodded. But that quickly turned into more sobs and shaking her head.

"I-I messed up big time Hunter... I should've never come to the Boiling Isles! All I do is ruin things.. And I-!" She wept some more, her legs giving out and falling to the ground. Hunter quickly went down to her level, putting a hand on her shoulder. He doesn't know why he was comforting someone who is supposedly his enemy.. But he couldn't help it.

He didn't ask questions, in his experience that made things worse. He decided he would ask later, when she wasn't on the floor crying.

Luz looked up at Hunter, her eyes and face soaking wet, and pitifully crawled over to him putting her head and hands on his chest. He blushed at this gesture, not knowing what to do. He slowly put his arms around the thin girl, putting them into an embrace.

They stayed like this for a while. Luz's sobs began to die down, until she was reduced down to sniffles. Hunter helped her to her feet and looked into her eyes, which were puffy and red from the amount of crying she had done.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened..?"

"I... I got into this big fight with Eda... and it got me thinking about my mom, and how I should've tried harder to understand where she was coming from... I feel like coming here might've been a big mistake.." She trailed off, looking down.

He softly grabbed her face, making her look into his eyes. Hunter almost couldn't believe he actually said these words.

"Luz Noceda, believe me when I say, you coming here was NOT a mistake. You being here with me now just proves that, you've... CHANGED me, Luz... You're on my mind almost 24/7, you're like my nightlight in the darkness, and I... I couldn't have asked for a better person to fall in love with..." He immediately covered his mouth after saying that, his face turning beet red.

"I- O-Oh god, just.. Forget I said anything-!"

He covered his face in shame, having spilt his feelings like that. Now Luz was blushing, not expecting him to say much of anything. They were supposed to be enemies... right? How could they have fallen in love with each other? Either way, it happened.

"I.. I love you too, Hunter. Honestly, you just made my entire night so much better.. Thank you."

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"I hate to leave you right now, but I better go make amends with Eda before she finds out I'm gone. See you soon?"

Hunter smiled and nodded.

"Y-Yeah.. see you soon."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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