Chapter One

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"Dad, I'm going now!" I knocked on his door, "Wait, I'm sending you to the airport." He responded, I threw my suitcase down the stairs then put on my converse shoes. "You seriously threw your expensive suitcase down the stairs?" Dad laughed, "Yeah," I chuckled, "By the way. I'm having breakfast at the airport." I said, smiling. He nods and put on his shoes. Dad locks the door and get in the car next to me. He started the engine and start heading out of our driveway.

After a good half an hour jamming to some songs on the radio, the trees now were out of sight. We're heading to the city now, to the airport. All I see here is a lot of peoples walking, a lot of tall buildings and sure, a lot of cars that caused the traffic jam here. "Holy shit, that's huge." I gasped as I examined at the tower next to me, I took out my camera and took a shot of it. It's painted grey and the windows were all tinted blue.

' Horan Tower '

Must be an old man named, Horan owned this company. I bet he lives in a huge ass house with his four wives.

While dad was driving, I took a few pics of the town and buildings. It was gorgeous, green plants planted all around the grey-ish buildings. People were all dressed in coat and neck ties, crossing the street to their offices. The birds were eating from the garbage bin. The sky was so bright. The weather is cool, not too cold but not too hot. There was this cafe along the road that caught my eye, it's beautiful. The walls were painted sand color and the furniture was all grey. There is a lot of people in the cafe, hanging out, chatting, on the phone, eating pastries and etc.

It looks like a place that I would chill and do some editing project or my college project.

Soon, I fell asleep at the backseat of the car as my eyes shut close.


"We're here!" My dad shakes my shoulder, I shot up and rubbed my eyes. "I'll have some coffee before my flight." I said to myself and hugged my dad before taking my bags out.


Luna : Where are you??

Me : I just reached the airport, idk where's Kathy

Luna: I'll call her.

I pulled my suitcase and my backpack into Starbucks and bought a hot cappuccino. I sat down at the corner of the shop, then I decided to text Kathy.

Me: Kathy, where are you?

Kathy: I have a flight to Peru, my grandmother is in the hospital. I'm so sorry, but my friend, Niall is coming to replace me.

Me: Omg, take care. Text me when you reach Peru, btw pls text me your friend's number.

Kathy: 44 1234567 -niall

Me: Thanks, babe. Take care xx

I took a sip of my cappuccino and the coffee smells aromatic. The smell is so nice, I slowly finished my coffee and walked towards where I saw Luna standing.

"Luna!" I hugged her from behind, "Hey, this is Niall. Kathy's friend, she texted me just now." she said.

I just stood there looking at his baby blue eyes, soft dyed blonde hair and his dimples.

He's cute! He's cute! He's cute!

"Uhurm." Luna cleared her throat and glared towards me, signalling to stop drolling over this angel. "Hey, I'm Natalia." I shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Natalia." He smiled.

Dimples! Dimples! Dimples!

"And you're Niall." I smiled at him. "Okay, now lets go before the flight takes off." Luna said, I linked my arms with Luna and walked to the check in counter.





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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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