Chapter: 13

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Skylar's POV:

Bruce had dropped me off not that far from the theater, saying he didn't want to see the building itself. I didn't question him even though I could tell why he wouldn't want to see it, mind reading powers come in handy some times. I walked up to the theater stand to purchase my tickets, waiting in line I regretted wearing a short sleeved shirt I felt freezing. After finally getting my tickets I made my way into the screening room and sat down. After about two hours of watching a completely unrealistic scenario where a doll comes to life and murders people it finally comes to an end. I walked outside of the theater to see many people mortified by that. "Even without my father's training I'm sure I would've been able to watch that no problem." I muttered as I made my way down to the street that Bruce had told me to go down. I tried to distract myself and look as normal as possible as I walked through alley way after alley finally seeing my destination come into view. I made my way through the alley, I was more than half way through the alley way and began to worry that scarecrow wasn't going to show up. But the second I took a step out of the alley way two strong arms pulled me back into the dark alley way. Next a hand went over my mouth to muffle my nonexistent screams. I struggled slightly trying to make it seem normal but of course I didn't escape. I soon felt a gag go over my mouth, but before allowing myself to rend to the darkness of unconsciousness I looked up to see a silhouette of a boy, my age, standing on the top of a building watching over me. The last thing I remembered before being consumed into darkness was his cape flowing due to the wind.

I woke up in a small metal room on the floor with a pounding headache. I pushed myself up and walked over to the door looking through the tiny glass window that allowed me to see what looked like a lab. Suddenly a mask so realistic and tight that it looked as if it was the actually person's face. The mouth was covered leaving slight bumps indicating that those were his lips, it also functioned as a gas mask with the filters so he wouldn't be affected by his own fear serum.Even through the mask I could see his lips form into a sly  smirk. "A new test subject, wonderful, we'll start with something small and work our way up." His voice echoed under the gas mask as he snickered turning around and ran over to what I'd assume to be a control panel. I watched silently as the room began to fill with a greenish gas. I continued breathing normally and gave a smirk at scarecrow, "Oh no some gas that smells like crap, oh save me lord." I said sarcastically. He eyed me oddly, then he turned back to the control panel and began flipping some other switches. Suddenly red gas filled my chamber. I rolled my eyes, "Aren't kidnappings supposed to be scary?" I asked yawning. He glared at me before flipping all of the switches on the control panel. Then brown gases poured in blocking my view because it was so thick. "This is really pathetic." I spat. "Your the one. The perfect test subject." He said running towards the window as he gave me a look of marvel. "This is even better than if I had Batman as a test subject." He exclaimed. "I think I'm still a pretty decent subject." A low voice called from the shadows. Scarecrow had a horrified look on his face as he ripped open the door, he grabbed my arm and attempted to drag me away. I did a sweeping kick causing him to fall to the ground. Suddenly Batman and robin were by my side. Batman began to put batcuffs on scarecrow as he screamed, "But this is a revelation in science, she is the answer!" He pointed at me his voice dripping with enthusiasm, Batman dragged him away leaving only me and Damian. I looked up at Damian,"You're okay right? He didn't hurt you did he?" I smiled a little at how he cared. "I'm fine." "We should get going then." He said walking towards the door the concern he had vanishing. "Wait wouldn't you prefer to get back home within a couple of seconds rather than minutes." He gave me an odd look as I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a small shadow, I jumped in dragging him into the void with me. I closed my eyes and imagined my closet in the Wayne Manor, it was most likely pitch black in there. When I opened my eyes we were both in my closet and Damian was hugging my arm for dear life. When he finally noticed where we were he let go of my arm and yelled, "What the hell!" "Calm down I go through that everytime I travel using shadows." He gave me a death stare as I laughed.

An assassin's shadow~ Damian WayneWhere stories live. Discover now