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Why do I have to have a body

I hate it so much

No matter what I eat, no matter what I drink,

I gain weight

Oh so much weight


I don't want to eat around them

They will say something again

Something against my body

I can't eat when someone is around

I hate it

Don't look at me

Please don't look at me

You scare me

You did this to me

It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault
It's your fault

I hate you for it

I hate that you made me like this

I'm not a therapist

Stop treating me like one

Shut up

Shut up


Shut up

I don't love you

I never did

Don't you realise what you did to me?

You don't

I can see that you don't realise it

Else you would have done something about it

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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