The leaf reaction

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Back with Iruka he in pure desperation knowing he caused this to run as Naruto disappears into the forest Iruka wraps some explosive tags on a kunai and throws them in the air as a make shift flair

Anbu swam the area as Iruka stands up

" Chunin Iruka Umino what happened here" An Anbu with black hair said

"Take me to the hokage office let me explain it there" iruka said

"We will take it from here tell Raccoon what you know you already bad enough condition with a wound from what looks like a windmill shuriken" She said

"NO I'm fine just take me to the hokage" Iruka shouted out

"Raccoon get Mizuki take him to the hospital I'll join you after Iruka reports

Giving in the female anbu lifted up Iruka as she shunsuin her and Iruka to the kage office where he fell to his knees

"Iruka is what I saw true" Hiruzen asked voice full of sadness as Iruka started to picking himself back up 

Surprised by the reaction it took a second before he responded

"Yes Naruto is running away but he was tricked" Iruka was able to say before he fell to his knees once more in a deep bow

"Please Lord Hokage I ask for his sentence to be light it's me and Mizuki fault for his running away" Iruka said

"Can you shed some light on what happened" Hiruzen asked

"Mizuki from what I could gather played on Naruto wondering of why he was hated and desire to become genin to steal the scroll of seals. he explained to me he planned on killing Naruto to gain glory in the village. After I found Naruto he betrayed him but I rescued Naruto and after hearing my true feeling he without a hint of the red charka was able to summoned a forest worth of shadow clones and beat Mizuki after doing so I fell asleep only to awake to seeing him for a second before he left saying how he can't take it anymore unfortunately in my injuried state I couldn't chase after him" Iruka said disappointed that even though he was one of the teachers he didn't ease the pain his student was in

"Ok Panda take Iruka to the hospital" Hiruzen said

"Before that what shall be done to Naruto should he be found" Iruka said

"Due to him being mislead by Mizuki he will not be executed but we first need to know how much he learnt first before we let him to go free" Hiruzen said

"I will have to double check with the clan heads and we'll decide once Naruto is found but I need you to go recover at the hospital and please understand this is now under my and the anbu jurisdiction you'll won't be updated until it's over so you will be forced to give up on the matter." Hiruzen

" Ok Sir" Iruka said before standing up and being Shunsuined to the hospital

"Now I need to host a clan meeting so Boar and Sparrow please go get the clan heads along with ny councilors, Ibiki , kakashi, cat, wolf, and bear say it's an emergency" Hiruzen said

Hours later 5:00 am in the morning

"Alright now that everyone have arrived I need to tell you about 2 points of discussion a new worrying situation" Hiruzen began

"Late last night Naruto Uzumaki the jinchuriki of the nine tails fled konoha on top of that we lost the scroll of seals too" Hiruzen said

"What how did we lose that Hiruzen the Senju treasure." Danzo demanded

"I'm sorry my friend but I was attending something else at the time but let me fully explain " Hiruzen said

"The reason which I need your clans help and need advice in capturing Naruto before he becomes a problem" Hiruzen said

"How so accord to the academy he was quite the idiot he will be nothing but a low class missing nin till death" Hiashi said disappointed in his friend's son

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