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"I thought you guys would be too sick to argue but because you're clearly not, listen up."

Chris and Naomi exchanged looks as they stood before Zoey, the girl who had called their attention over the mic. As she finished asking her co worker to take over for a moment, she set the two aside so as not to block any customers.

"We're going to settle this like adults." sighed Zoey, "Close your eyes and both of you, hand me the can."


With their hands still collectively keeping their grasps on the can, Chris and Naomi abruptly pulled it away as it stood before Zoey. As an instinctive, protective demeanor, the two had brought themselves closer to the can. However, noticing their proximity with one another, the two distanced themselves from the can immediately — though still keeping a hand on it.

"What exactly do you plan to do?" asked Chris, skeptical about Zoey's idea of properly setting the matter.

"I'll explain when you two hand me the can."

Chris and Naomi glanced at each other once more before deciding that they'd hand it over on the count of three, and just as Zoey had demanded, with their eyes closed.


"That was the longest three seconds of my life." Zoey said, giving the go signal for the two to open their eyes. The two pulled their hands back from the desolate area they'd placed the can a while back; Naomi gave her hand a good shake before adjusting the sleeve of her jacket to cozily engulf her fingers, while Chris secretly wiped his on his jeans — a little conscious because of Naomi's remark that they'd been clammy.

"Seeing as it's the only can of soup left on the shelf, both of you probably didn't care what flavour it could possibly be. " Zoey added, "So, here's the deal: place your bets on what you think the flavour is and whoever gets it right, gets the can."

"And if we both get it wrong?" asked Naomi, still skeptical about the plan.

"Then you both have to share." shrugged Zoey, "I've dealt with two people grabbing the last item on the shelf countless times, but none of them needing an intervention quite like, what're your bets?"

The two girls turned to Chris first and immediately, he said the flavour of the soup he thought was best, "Cream of Corn."

Zoey and Chris then turned to Naomi, who thought her answer should match up with Chris's, "Cream of Mushroom."

"Alrighty..." said Zoey, turning to the can of soup to reveal the actual flavour.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Trudging towards the table Zoey had directed them towards, the two couldn't help but take a begrudging glance at one another.

At least he didn't win it, right? thought Naomi, comforting herself about the nullified score between them.

Half the can's better than the can being all hers. thought Chris, sighing to himself in defeat. Before he could continue his train of thought, he had been interrupted by a rather loud sneeze. And once he'd opened his eyes, he was met with Naomi offering him her travel pack of kleenex.

Bashfully, he'd taken about three pieces of tissue and turned away momentarily to blow his nose. Once he turned back, Naomi was then offering him hand gel.

"So, are you gonna say anything or are you just going to keep pulling things out of your magical bag?" said Chris as he handed her back the tube of citrus smelling hand sanitizer.

"I used up all my witty comebacks when I was trying to get the soup." replied Naomi with a shrug

"They were pretty good." sniffed Chris, "Looks like you've got the cold pretty bad, yourself...I mean, for you to be carrying all that stuff, it's gotta be pretty bad, right?"

"It's the typical change of weather kinda thing, it's nothing too bad." shrugged Naomi, "Probably something like yours."

"I don't think so..." he snickered, recalling how his cold came to be thanks to performing the ice challenge with his brother, Crawford. He shrugged, knowing it wasn't futile because his efforts were beneficial to his chosen charity.

As their soup arrived, delivered by Zoey along with comments about hoping they'd get along, the two were quick to disregard such stories in order for Chris to proceed telling her about how he'd gotten his cold.

"So, my brother Crawford and I—" began Chris, only to cut himself off, "Uh... I should probably introduce myself before I introduce my brother, huh?"

"Yeah, I think so." laughed Naomi in reply.

"Christian." he said, sticking out his hand for her to shake, "or Chris...y'know, whichever one works."

"Naomi." she replied, taking his and shaking it.

He proceeded with the story, even getting a few more laughs out of her. From her station at the cashier watched Zoey, rather impressed that the two were getting along more than she'd hoped. As Chris revealed that he was a bit of a personality online, he noticed that Naomi hadn't reacted any differently than he thought she would.

"What about you?" asked Chris, "Hobbies, interests?"

Naomi's eyes wandered towards the marker stains on the sleeve of her jacket, smiling to herself a little. She could call what she did design, but right now, it looked more like doodles.

"I fight dragons and Sith Lords. It's pretty tough, but y'know, it's gotta be done." said Naomi, her face breaking into a smile which had caused Chris's to do the same, "And I may or may not be a design student at university right now."

And in one sitting, Chris had gone from the poor unfortunate soul that had encountered Naomi to the fortunate soul that had.

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