Chapter 1 - saturday bad day

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So today my brothers James and Michael came over to sleep over, they came on Friday, on staturday morning we got up and I was sitting on the top of the couch because the couch has like pillows and my dad was sitting in front of me because I was on top of the couch and he had space to sit. James sat beside him and Michael sat on the other side.
And I got up because James wanted me to crack his back so I got up and my foot rubbed across my dads back and he yelled "KYLIE SIT DOWN" so I yelled like literally yelled " IM JUST TRYING TO CRACK HIS BACK OMG" and then Michael didn't want to hear everything so he ran upstairs and James just sat down.

THAN LATER ON we were just playing around with the nerf guns and my dad was cleaning the upstairs bathroom and we were going up the stairs me and Michael and my dad didn't know and HE BLAMED IT ON ME OF COURSE CAUSE EVERYTHING IS MY FRICKING FAULT I know he was about to hit me cause of his face he made but as soon as Michael walked up he turned all happy and chill and not mad LIKE BITCH JUST FUCKING STOP...... sorry I had to let it out anyways come back for the next chapter when I have one to write👍🏻🦶🏻🦶🏻💀💀

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