3.) Introductions

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Evan's POV

After the auditions end, I head to the lobby to try and find her. I want to be able to talk to her, get to know her and most importantly just be with her. She is very intriguing. It probably sounds stupid, but I think we had a connection. She is more than just looks, I can tell.

As I walk around the lobby, I can't seam to find her. What if she already left? I might never get to see her again. Why do I care so much? Maybe she is still back towards the stage. Turning around on my heel, I abruptly bump into someone. Out of instinct, I reach my hands out to catch the poor girl I nearly knocked over. Thankfully I catch her before she hits the floor.

" I'm so sorry. Are you alright? I'm..." Before I can finish my thought I looked down at her and am met with the same eyes from before. I lose myself in her eyes, once again. Some annoying whispers coming from girls finally pull me out of my daze. She is still wrapped up in my arms. Neither of us are anxious to move from each other's embrace. Eventually I slowly stand up and steady her. I'll be the first to admit that I did not want to let her go.

"It's okay, I ran into you. I'm pretty clumsy, and I should have been watching." she laughs awkwardly and tries to apologize. Her voice is like heaven.

" I was actually coming to find you. I'm Evan."

Wow. Wait to go Ev. Could you make yourself seam anymore like a stalker? Talking to girls has always come easily, but this girl, she makes me so nervous. It doesn't help that I almost knocked her on her ass.

"Oh really? Well you found me." She laughs and sassily crosses her arms over her chest. I hadn't thought of what to say to her yet, so my mind went completely blank.

"I... um... I wanted to tell you... that you did really great today." Nice one.

"So you were watching me?" She laughs. I laugh too, even though on the inside I am panicking. What do I say to that?

" Well I mean, you're to beautiful to miss." She blushes and shyly looks down at the floor. After a second she speaks up.

" Thank you. You're not to bad yourself." Is she flirting with me? What do I say now?

" Hey, um, do you maybe wanna go out with me sometime? There is this really good cafe down the street..." She looks down smiling. That sounded so dumb.

" Yeah, I'd love to."

Taissa's POV

I can't stop thinking about that blond guy from earlier. I think his name was Evan. I hope he auditioned for Tate, Violets love interest. I was lost in thought when I ran straight into a figure. Since I was not expecting it, I started to stumble backwards. Just as I was preparing to fall, I am pulled into the strong arms of the figure.

" I'm so sorry. Are you alright? I'm ..."

When I open my eyes I see a mess of blond curls staring at me. We stayed paralyzed together for at least a minute. Trust me, I am not complaining. I wish I could just be wrapped up in his arms all day. Its kinda cute how he just stopped talking, like he couldn't find the words.

"It's okay, I ran into you. I'm pretty clumsy, and I should have been watching." I try to play it off by laughing. I bet he thinks I can't even walk for myself.

" I was actually coming to find you. I'm Evan" Wait, did I hear that right? He was looking for me?

"Oh really? Well you found me" He stares at me nervously. I hope that didn't come across bitchy. I always say things and people take them the wrong way. Damn it, Tais. I should have kept my huge mouth shut.

"I... um... I wanted to tell you... that you did really great today." Awe! He's so hot when he's all flustered. I'm gonna turn up my game a little.

"So you were watching me?" I laugh and he laughs too. I can tell he is trying to come up with something clever to say.

"Well I mean, you're to beautiful to miss." Suddenly I feel my face become very hot. Damn, he's good. I look down at my feet.

" Thank you. You're not to bad yourself." I am definitely flirting. Hardcore flirting.

" Hey, um, do you maybe wanna go out with me sometime? There is this really good cafe down the street..." Is he asking me out? Like on a date? Eh what the hell.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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