KuroKen (Emetophobia)

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TW: Emetophobia, anxiety/panic attacks, mentioning of vom!t
Kenma's POV- I woke up around 1am, my stomach has been feeling off all day but I didn't think much if it until now. When I woke up I was drenched in my own sweat, my stomach turning and my body weak, Kuroo was peacefully sleeping beside me as I already felt my anxiety spiking.

I sat there for moment, my tired brain trying to process what was going on before I urgently jumped up from the bed and made a dash for the bathroom which was downstairs. I sadly didn't make it as bend over puke rushing out of my mouth, my body trembled as my legs gave out under me with a big Thud as my knees hit the floor.

My mind rushed with anxitey as I felt my chest tighten, my ears ring as I slowly felt my mind pull away from my body, I felt as if I was drowning as I gagged and heaved and my eyes watered I feel as if I'm dying.

Kuroo's POV-
I was attempting to sleep but I couldn't since Kenma has been twisting and turning all night, right when I was about to doze of I felt a big jerk in the mattress, I opened my tired eyes confused by what was happening. A couple seconds later decided to brush it off and attempt to fall asleep until I heard a loud thud from downstairs. I quickly got up and went out to the staircase as I loudly spoke in a tired voice " Kenma! You good?" No response. I decide to go check it out for myself as I walked downstairs. Right when I turned the corner I saw Kenma on his hands and knees, profusely gagging up whatever was in his system as they intensly cried. I immediately rushed to his side and attempted to comfort him though the second I touched him he instantly flinched away; " Okay okay, I won't touch you.. Kenma can you attempt to take slow deep breaths for me?" I said

No one POV-
Kenma attempted to follow Kuroo's instructions but failed as he seemed to cough and heave which made his panic worse as he profusely shook his head no. The vomiting has seemed to come to a end as the smaller male was left dry heaving and gagging on nothing. "Hey Kenma; You're okay, I promise, lets try to take some deep breaths together okay?" Kuroo imitated the action hoping to get Kenma to follow. Kenma slowly attempted to copy the action as his breathing slowly became calmer.

Kenma slowly became calmer as he seemed to still be shaking as his eyes seemed unfocused and terrifyed as he scurried away from the pile of sick on the wooden floor until he couldn't move any further since he came in contact with the wall. Kuroo immediately followed him as he said " It's okay, I can clean it up, you don't need to be near it okay, you're safe.." Kenma's eyes slowly led up to Kuroo's for the first time since the panic attack had started. " Hey, yeah there you go, see it's just me, you're okay. Is it okay if I touch you?" Kuroo said, Kenma slowly shook his head no as Kuroo calmly smiled softly " Thats okay. Why not we get you back to bed, I'll clean this up as you can have a bath then I can get you out some clean PJ after that we can see how you'll feel, alright?" Kenma nodded not feeling comfortable to talk at the moment as he slowly stood up, his knees shaking in the process as he slowly made his way towards the bathroom trying to avoid the puddle of sick on the floor.

Kuroo started the bath as Kenma got undressed. Once Kenma got settled in the bath Kuroo went to the kitchen and grabbed the cleaning supplies and cleaned up the mess, then made his way upstairs and got the clean pjs ready as promised. By the time he was done that Kenma was just about done with his bath.

Once Kenma got upstairs and into his clean new pair of pyjamas and got comfortable into the bed, Kuroo brought up a mental bowl, medicine, a bottle of water and a thermometer, he sat them on the nightstand and sat down on the end of the bed. " Is touch okay?" Kuroo asked sweetly, Kenma shook his head yes as they crawled over to Kuroo and hugged him tightly. Kuroo smiled warmly as he gladly returned the hug "How are you feeling? Any better?"   " I feel like shit though a little bit better from earlier I guess.." Kenma said as he nuzzles his head into Kuroo's shoulder. "Can we take your temperature before you fall asleep" Kuroo said as he chuckled lightly. Kenma groans as he sat up nodding his head. Kuroo reached over and grabbed the thermometer as Kenma opened his mouth.

After waiting around a minute the thermometer beeped loudly, Kuroo took it out of kenma's mouth and read " 102.4•F that's quite high. Do you think your stomachs settled enough for some medicine?" Kenma thought about it for a moment with a nervous look on their face before he nodded slowly.

"Alright then!" Kuroo said with a higher tone while grabbing the medince. " Kuroo can you quite down a little, my heads forming a migraine.." kenma said as he rubbed the sides his head with a uncomfortable look on their face " of course, sorry!" Kuroo said with a hushed tone as he handed Kenma the medicine as well as a bottle of water.

After that they both laided down on the bed and got under the covers, Kenma immediately nuzzled their head in Kuroo's chest. Kuroo smiled softly while wrapping his arms around Kenma and whispered " Don't worry, you're safe and protected... I'll be right here with you when you wake up" in their ear; as a response Kenma nuzzled his face further into Kuroo's chest and said " I love you Kuroo..." before drifting off to sleep. With a smile on his face Kuroo softly rubbed Kenma's back and said.. "I love you too kitten.." before falling asleep aswell..

Thank you guys for reading!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been dealing with school but I'm offically off now and will hopefully be posting a lot more frequently!! If you have and request, tips, or suggestions please let me know! Have a great summer everyone!!

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