The Visitor's Spell

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October 2018

The last of my self-control is evaporating, along with any awareness of time or place. It doesn't matter what the clock says, or the calendar. The one thing, the only thing, is the present moment. I'm lying down somewhere, with my body floating free of my will. Though my eyes are still open, they barely see. Against a background too distant to make out, he leans forward like a shadow. I've given myself up to become his, all his. Whatever he guides me to feel, I inescapably feel.

He still hasn't touched me, not once.

"More and more," he says. "With every breath, it gets more intense. But you can't release yourself, not yet."

I'm turned on by being hypnotized so deeply, and amazed by it, and turned on even more by my own amazement. There's still some part of me that wants to keep control, that desperately wants to deny any of this is possible. What turns me on most of all is knowing how overwhelmed that part of me has become, how helpless. The arousal is nearly unendurable.

If he won't touch me, I have to do it myself. I try. But my arms have gotten heavy, almost impossible to move. The most I can do is lift them a few inches, and then they fall back down. After struggling a while, I give up.

I manage to get one word out. "Please."

He moves a little closer. "As soon as I touch you, that's when it will happen. As soon as I put a hand on you anywhere."

All on its own, my body begins to tremble. The twitches are irregular, chaotic.

"Be still for now," he says. "Be still."

And my body obeys him. As the tremors recede, new outlets take in their energy and somehow intensify it. My heart pounds, and the warm wetness spreads out further between my legs.

He slowly reaches towards me. I take such a deep breath it's hard to breathe back out.

His hand draws near, going back and forth a few inches over my body. I want to feel him, I want it so bad. I tense as he reaches towards my thighs, but he pulls away as if some other spot might suit him better. He gets closer and closer, still not quite touching, reaching up towards my shoulders and almost brushing along my hair. Then he goes back down towards my legs, closer all the while, until he's an impossibly short distance from my bare skin. Finally, so very lightly, he rests his fingers on my toes.

It's enough.

My muscles tighten and my whole body goes rigid. A spasm starts deep inside me, then hesitates. Another spasm follows, and another, each one a little closer to getting there. And then the real release comes, a fiery flood that obliterates everything else in the world with a pleasure so very close to agony. It lasts longer than ought to be possible.

A single gasp escapes from me that turns into a long low moan, sounding like someone else's voice. When my body finally relaxes again, I find myself hypnotized even more deeply than before. There's no way to ask how deep it is, no way to ask any questions at all. The feeling leaves room for nothing else.

Explosive as it's been, this is only the beginning. An arousal so full can only keep overflowing.

In some corner of my mind, I know I'll never remember tonight. And that's how it suits me. Each time is a fresh astonishment. It has all happened before, either a few times or many. And in the years ahead, who knows how often it will happen again. Sometimes the wait may be short, sometimes it may be far too long. But when the time finally comes, the same sweet fire will always burn with a heat that's almost too much to take.

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