Shots Fired

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It was a calm and chilly day, and the air was full of palpable tension. On the second anniversary of the android Revolution the city agreed to allow the leaders of New Jericho to speak out and address the city before the Stratford Broadcast Tower to commemorate those who sacrificed their now recognized lives for their right to freedom, and to acknowledge the importance of that chilly November night in a personal and open manner. It was to be seen as a somber and respectful affair, and as one that was sure to attract those who would use such a widely publicized event to seek revenge against those who had participated in the Revolution they felt had ultimately wronged them.

Police presence was not only requested but deemed mandatory.

Due to his friendship and ties to the deviant community Connor was assigned as Markus's personal bodyguard during the event and kept at his friend's side throughout the entire day. The loyal friend and detective was wearing Kevlar under his gray blazer over top of his white dress shirt, and was insistent that Markus wear a Kevlar vest as well. The deviant leader had declined, not out of misguided brashness or to be seen as heroic; but to keep the image of peace and trust as abundant as possible.

Accompanying Markus to the Stratford Broadcast Tower fearlessly, Connor kept vigil and was confident that no one would make an attempt on Markus's life with so many cameras and witnesses in the immediate area. However, there was something heavy in the air keeping Connor on guard throughout the entire afternoon.

"It looks secure." Connor stated in a low voice as he walked at Markus's side to the designated podium in front of the tower. The podium had been set up hours prior and had already been checked for any sign of sabotage. "Where are the other leaders?"

"North will be here soon." Markus replied in a confident tone of voice. "She escorted a few of the refugees out of the city and made sure they got to a contact safely." The deviant leader seemed to be disappointed that the refugees were leaving, but he knew it was their right to try to find a new life outside of violence and bigotry. "Josh is gathering fresh supplies for the emergency repair bay, and Simon is staying at the tower to assist Lucas is tending to the wounded or ill deviants who are still seeking shelter with us."

"Have many other deviants been affected by the android-flu?"

"Not enough to cause a pandemic, but there's a few who still need help."

Connor nodded as he and Markus made their way to the lobby of the broadcast tower to wait for the ceremony to begin outside.

"How's Hank?"

"Hank is well." The younger detective replied confidently as he and Markus remained calm and fearless while in the presence of passersby who were getting ready for the conference as well. "He is currently at the precinct monitoring the event as we speak."

"Guess it's a good sign that not every officer or detective has been assigned to this event, right?"

"It's always a good sign when an active and obviously heavy police presence isn't requested or required." Connor confirmed with a slight grin on his face. "But that doesn't mean there aren't numerous officers patrolling the area."

"Thank you for agreeing to this assignment. I know it's a lot to ask of anyone."

"Assignment or not, I would've come all the same." Connor responded with a confident smile. "You're my friend and the deviants are still my people."

Outside the tower a group of reporters and cameramen gathered just in front of the podium and began setting up where they'd get the ideal shot of the conference once Markus was standing behind the podium. The gesture was one orchestrated by the Kamski himself and funded by the contributors that once funded the now late Carl Manfred's art exhibitions. It was seemingly the city's way of paying tribute to a great man and his closest friend and second son, while also atoning for the past and current mistreatment of deviants throughout the city.

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