(07) Killahead - Part I

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(Unknown Location)

'They won't be tricked by your impure changelings again.' Gunmar said. Alice, who was standing behind Morgana, fought the urge to roll their eyes.

Morgana took a look at his sword, and made it glow golden. Then she pulled it towards her and turned it sideways.

'With your Decimar Blade, all will submit to your will,' Morgana said, pushing it back to him. Gunmar then swung the blade towards the dirt - creating a cloud of dust. 'Do it.'

Gunmar opened his palm to reveal a handful of small stones. They rolled out of his palm onto the dirt where he touched them with the tip of his now glowing blade. A Gumm-Gumm soldier then rose from the place where the stone had been.

'Bring the witch to me.' Gunmar ordered. The creation stepped forward into the sunlight, only to fall and crumble into pieces at Morgana's feet.

'Go. Build your army.' Morgana said. 'Tonight the wild wood will run red.'

'Our enemies will tremble.' Gunmar replied. Alice then floated to the ground and walked towards Gunmar's side. Finally they were ready to do his bidding once again.


'Today the amulet will choose one of you to defend your people. To hunt those trolls that have betrayed your kind. You will no longer fear daylight; you will wield it as the trollhunter.' Merlin said, walking to the space in the middle of the pack of trolls.

'For the glory of Merlin, awake!' Douxie said, letting go of the amulet. It glew dark blue and began to fly around the cave; searching for its new master. Finally it stopped at Callista.

'Uh, I think your amulet has the wrong troll.' Callista said to Merlin.

'The amulet doesn't make mistakes. For whatever reason it has chosen you.' Merlin said, watching her as she picked the amulet up. 'Speak the incantation. Find your purpose as the saviour of worlds.'

'Me? I've never been chosen for anything.' She said, flipping the amulet over. 'For the glory of-'

'Bushigal!' Draal cursed. 'It chose Callista the calamity? She's basically a fleshbag.'

'That's the humans' big plan? The only place the outsider will lead us is death.' Another troll called out.

'Ignore them. Accept this honour.' Merlin coaxed.

'No. They're right. I'm not a hero. I'm not even good at being a troll.' Callista said, before running off away from the crowd. Together Jim, Douxie and Alice rushed after her, but it was to late.

'Is this some sick human joke?' Vendal asked, stepping in front of the small group.

'Gumm Gumms are coming for us, and we've wasted our time with silly little games!' Drall cried.

'We all must fight as allies!' Merlin protested.

'You think just because your king gives us a shiny toy, it will buy our loyalty?' Vendel questioned. 'Leave and take your trinkets with you!'

There was a pause, after which Vendel and Arthur both walked off. In the silence Merlin and the others' stood there, defeated.

'The amulet chose Callista?' Archie asked.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wasn't Deya the first trollhunter?' Claire said.

'Either way, without one, Killahead will be a bloodbath.' Douxie replied.

'I think I know where Callista went.' Jim said. 'Claire?' Claire then summoned a portal and he jumped through.

'I'm going with him. I've also felt like this before -- I could be useful. Now, Douxie, you go and help the king. We'll be back soon.' Alice said, looking at Claire and then back at Douxie.

'I know you will be. Stay safe, love.' Douxie said, giving them a small salute.

'I will.' Alice replied, smiling at him as the portal closed behind them.

' Alice replied, smiling at him as the portal closed behind them

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29th May 2022

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