Y/n Bio

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Name: Y/n

Last name: L/n

Gender: Non-binary

Eyes: E/c (eye color)

Age: Around 30

Sexuality: y/s (your sexuality)

Height: 6'6 (short people be happy rn)

How y/n looks (in my art style):

How y/n looks (in my art style):

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i based y/n off of Jonathan Van Ness, you can change y/n if you want-

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i based y/n off of Jonathan Van Ness, you can change y/n if you want-

Career: Musician

Likes: Music, Reading, Fashion, Hamilton, Anime (classic y/n -_-), stargazing, loud noises, the moon and most importantly... Your favorite animal (f/a)

Dislikes: Stalkers, Waking up ( i can't think of anything that y/n hates istg- )

Now that we're done with y/n's bio


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