Chapter 8

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The Next morning 05:20

I was 25 that day, Kayla and Rika awoke, they sat up and Kayla said "come on lets leave Scale sleep while we get food" "ok" Rika said, going outside with Kayla. They got all sorts of meat and veg.

Back at the cave 09:00

I awoke, looked around having a sense of dé já vu, "No, not again! Rika! Kayla! Where are you!" I got up and checked to see if my sword was there, it was but where was my dagger? I searched all over for my dagger.

Outside 09:20

Kayla and Rika started walking back to the cave with food, Kayla thought of me alone back at the cave "Rika we have to hurry Scale might be having dé já vu again when he was with his mum!" Kayla said, hurrying back, Rika also hurried. They got to the cave entrance and walked in.

Inside the cave 10:00

I heard footsteps, I drew my sword at who was walking in and it was only the girls. "Scale it's only us, your mates" I withdrew my sword and said "sorry for drawing my sword at you, do you have my dagger?" "It's ok and yes I do, sorry" Kayla said "its ok" I replied, Kayla walked forward and gave me a kiss "what did you get?" I asked them "I got vegetables while Rika got meat" Kayla replied, I licked my lips and said "you two have something first, I'll have something in a minute" "ok Scale" Kayla said slicing some meat in half with my dagger, "wow that is sharp" Rika said "yeah it is" Kayla said handing me my dagger back "here thanks for letting me borrow it Scale" "you're welcome" I said, "here Rika" Kayla said, passing some meat "thank you" Rika replied, Kayla and Rika bit into their pieces of meat, I placed the side of my daggers blade on my tongue and cleaned it tasting the blood mmm wild bear, not bad I thought as I placed it back in it's sheath to protect it. Kayla and Rika finished their first mouthfuls and took a second bite, I bit into my piece and chewed it, savouring it. Kayla swallowed her second, so did Rika, I swallowed and said "nice meat eh?" "Yeah it is" Kayla replied, Rika nodded, "what do you want to do while we wait for the time to fly past?" "I don't know" Blaze and Rika said "well I'm going on an adventure" "what? An adventure in an adventure?" "Yeah just like that" "uh, ok?" "Bit like a mini adventure" Rika said "exactly" I said, getting ready, "never know I will probably bring something back"

Mini adventure 13:00

I went into the brush and walked several paces forwards, two to the side, two to the rear, two to the side again and four to my front. I saw a glint of metal at my feet, I had come across a chain, I picked it up and pulled uncovering a hidden tomb, I ran back to the cave and said "girls come with me, I have something to show you." The girls ran to the entrance, Kayla said "what is it Scale?" "Come with me and you'll see" Kayla said, "ok Scale" Rika nodded, I led both girls to the tomb "so where does this take you?" I said, "I don't know" I drew my sword, "ready?" Kayla said, "let's make a torch first" Rika got a stick and a very big leaf "great, all we need now is Venom and a spark" "I have both of those" Rika said, placing the torch under her mouth and letting her venom drip all over it, then she jiggled the spark to ignite it "there we go, here Scale" "alright Rika, thanks" I replied, "yeah you're welcome Scale" Kayla said "Scale look at your sword, it's corroded and rounded" "I will need to get this sharpened or get a new one" "yeah" Rika said, I took a couple of paces inside, Rika said, "uh I'm going to stay out here" "ok Rika be safe" "go back to the cave Rika" I said, "yeah ok" Blaze and I walked into the tomb while Rika went back to the cave.

Tomb 13:15

I said, "You ok hun?" "I'm fine, you?" "Uh I don't like this, at a certain room it collapses on itself" "so we should be quick then?" "Yes" I walked down the passage with Kayla not far behind, we came across a room with a coffin in the centre "who's is that?" I said, "look at the walls covered in jewels and necklaces" "should I pick a jewel on a necklace for Rika?" "Yeah go on," I said, looking at the headstone, I saw it said "Arthur" "Kayla can you help me with the top stone please "yeah ok" she said, helping move the top stone, I reached in a picked up a sword enhanced than my own, "I think this sword is the Scorpion Sword" "how do you know?" "Read a tome about swords" I replied, then the whole place started to disintegrate "GET OUT NOW!" Kayla ran as fast as she could and caught her breath while she waited outside the entrance for me who was running out of the tomb leaving the sword there.

The Legend of SilverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora