Pt. 17: The bargain

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"You leave Carl alone, Quackity!" techno said his axe still pressed into tubbos shield.

Quackity brings his sword up to Carl's neck cutting the horse just enough to make him bleed.

"Alright, alright there's no need to hurt the horse." techno backs away from the president. He holds up his shield to block any potential attacks the three men surrounding him might attempt.


technoblade hesitates for a moment before dropping his items.

"Everything, even your armor technoblade." Tubbo adds, standing up from where he had been pinned to the ground.

"C'mon not the armour," techno wined

"Do it." the little president commands again

techno obliged, immediately regretting it as ranboo and tubbo picked up his items. Cypress was stunned in every sense of the word. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Technoblade, her technoblade, was surrendering. Of course she would have done the exact same in her position, but that didn't make the action any less gut-retching. Technoblade had sacrificed himself for a horse.

Ranboo had left cypress by herself in a moment of forgetfulness on his part. Techno saw this as an opportunity to keep the two things he cared about most, safe. Fundy and Ranboo moved to secure techno's arms behind him with rope. Without hesitation Techno elbowed Fundy in the face leaving the fox hybrid bleeding. All attention turned to him including Quackity who had seemed determined to not let cypress out of his sight. Techno looked to cypress while the men attempted to wrestle him back into the ropes. She got the message and ran in the direction of the woods Tommy and Ghostbur had disappeared into two chapters ago. Maybe it wasn't just about his horse.

Quackity only realized his mistake once they had bound techno's hands with enough rope to scale a canyon. Cypress was gone, the only evidence of her existence was footprints that were quickly being covered by the heavy snow that was now falling. The three men spent precious time trying to convince Quackity that it was useless to try and follow after cypress. Luckily for her and technoblade, they did.

The two men and two hybrids managed to lead technoblade through a small patch of trees and into a boat with little trouble. Cypress managed to follow them with significantly more hardships. The group was much harder to find in a dense forest than out in the open even when two were holding lanterns. She got lost a minimum of five times before finding the shore. She could see boats in the distance and realized it was for the best that she hadn't found her way immediately.  If she had been right behind them they would've easily been able to see her once she passed the tree line.

The Butchers were on there way to the capital, who knows what would happen once they got there.



the next one will be a lot longer i just needed a bit of filler

I've also had this bit written for weeks and wanted to post it finally

have a good day/night  - Casper :)

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