Season Two

Lucifer and Amenadiel entered a bank in the midst of a robbery.

"This is such a cliché," Lucifer said. "I mean, for one, those are all conflict diamonds. Terrible karma, but more importantly, is this really how you want to spend your time on Earth?"

"I don't know who you are, but if you don't step back, I will kill you," the robber warned.

Lucifer chuckled. "But that's not what you really desire, is it? No, it isn't. So what do you want?"


"Oh, just as I suspected. You were tired of being a prisoner, weren't you?"

"Yeah, that's right. I-I-I couldn't take it anymore."

"So you wanted to break your shackles, be reborn."

"I did."

"So you escaped Hell, looking for an empty body, and found this poor sod, who'd just died of a heart attack, and now here you are, wreaking havoc on Earth. The jig is up. We found you. Mum."

"Wait, what?"

"You just said you wanted to escape your shackles," Amenadiel reminded him.

"Yeah. When the paramedics brought me back, I realized I needed to be free."

"Yes, from Hell," Lucifer said.

"No, man, from debt. I owe a ton of money. And this was gonna get me out from underneath it. You know what, I'm sick of this. The two of you are--"

Amenadiel slowed time and said, "It's not Mom."

"Oh, you think?" Lucifer shot back.

"Well, we had to check. She doesn't have a body. She must have entered a human form of someone who's recently died."

"Which means anyone who kicked the bucket whilst you were sleeping on the job."

"Luci, do you realize he's the last one on our list?"

"Well, you must have missed one."

"Or maybe she's not in Los Angeles."

Lucifer laughed. "No, she's here. I kept her prisoner for thousands of years. She's coming for me. I know it. We just need to get to her first."

Amenadiel sighed and started walking off. "Are you coming?!"

"In a moment. There's so much punishment, so little time." He chuckled. "Dead."

Lucifer took the robber's clothes, leaving him in his underwear and put a tiara on his head.

When time resumed normalcy, the robber shouted, "What's going on?"

He fell, as his shoelaces were tied together.


"My mum's gonna kill me," Lucifer said. "And before you say it, that's not a metaphor. She's literally going to kill me. She's not the forgiving type."

"You've never mentioned your mother before," Linda replied. "Why is that?"

"Well, you wouldn't understand, would you?"

"I'd like to."

"Oh, all right. Very well. In human terms, once upon a time, a boy met a girl, and they fell in love. They had sex. The only trouble was, they were celestial beings, so that moment created the universe."

"Mm, the Big Bang?"

"Never knew how appropriate the name was until now, did you? Anyway, they became Mum and Dad. They had a whole litter of kids, including yours truly. Dad was well, Dad, and Mum--Well, Mum was rather lovely in the beginning." He sighed. "But things change, don't they? Dad started going into the garage and tinkering with a little project he called humanity. Mum grew cold, distant." He inhaled deeply. "And pretty soon, they were both neglecting their family."

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