Chapter 1 - First Morning

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owen at age 10 always fantasised about his future pet beinf none other than a capybara, lottle did he know this dream would change the course of his life forever *ominous music*

owen turned 18 two years later. He was 4"11 with the same hair colour as a capybara which was one of the sources to his raging love, his eyes were small and beady striking fear into anyone who looked his way. He was a little fruity so he often liked to style his hair to represent a procupine his second favourite animal kingdom. He lived with his mum who was an absolute milf and was stuck in a marriage with tony preventing her from becoming someone elses (my) sugar mommy. owen had two sisters, one was younger and we just kind of ignore her and one was older she was also mommy fr.

It was a tuesday morning and owen had woken up at the early rise of dawn to begin his daily ritual. he slowly caressed rhe cupboard door handle before opening it to reveal a 10ft high room ranging as far as the eye could see (a normal sized closet). He stepped into the vast room and walked towards his life sized capybara statue whihc was made from the bones of those who had insulted his obsession. Once reaching the magnificent creature owen kneeled before it and began to pray to the gods. As he did the candles lining the room were lit and owen began sweating profusely. He began chanting to the gods while dancing around the room hoping to pleaes the gods above him.

"big pak big pak please take this big pak in return send me a gnome" he repeated endlessly. Suddenly a large gnome with a redish brown hat slowly lowered infront of the capybara statue, it was holding something. owen wasnt very bright so he continued chanting for several hours before he realised he has already entertained the gods. Intrigued by the contents within the gnomes small arms he edged closer, wary of what it could be. As he got closer it became clearer what he was rewarded. The sacred babybel. Its edible was and neverending thick cheese disk. Using this ancient relic he woukd begin his longing search for a capybara of his own.

Mommy i mean.. owens mum walked up the stairs carrying a tray. She had cooked him a breakfast to help get him energised for his last day at school before the holidays. As she grew nesrer to his room she could hear his manic giggle, concerned she knocked and asked if he was okay. No response. The giggling had stopped. Silence.

BANG! the door flew open hitting the wall, owen emerged from his closet and shut the doors as to not let his mother know what he had gained that morning. Scared and anxious, his mum handed him the tray.

"H-h-here you go... swee-sweetheart.." his mum sacerd for what he may respond. "me hap thamk-k" he coughed clearing his throaght, in the most alpha chad voice you can imagine he saud "Oh my deepest apologies mother dearest. Why thank you for making me this scrumptious breakfast on such a fine morning, I shall be eternally grateful to you for such a humble act." He smiled and began to eat the food, "My golly gosh! This must be the most extravagant and devine food I have ever tasted!" His mum let out a sigh of relief, "of course, make sure you get ready for school soon. Big man Tony will drop you off in half an hour."

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. owen stopped eating. "what did you just say?"

"Oh um.. b-b-be ready f-for school in half an hour.. p-p-please.." his mum began backing towards the door in order to make an escape. owen let out an earbleeding screech scaring of his mother "HALF AN HOUR!?!?" He jumped up tipping the tray over his floor and began to scurry around his room searching for clothes to wear. Once he was ready he had calmed down and gone to get into tonys car.

"Alrighty chap lets get going shall we" Tony began driving away while owen stared mysteriously out the window hoping his last day isnt as bad as the rest of the school year.

Okay He Pull UpHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin