Chapter 1 (short chapter)

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POV: Ruth/ Rue

I felt as if someone was watching me as I run down the block, I knew I should have never desisted to go to a party with my friends, fuck now they are all dead with half of the party probably back there or dead! I knew the safest option was to run to a police station, I mean I knew I would get in trouble but I'm not leading a murder to my house We're my 5 year old sister is! Or even the rest of my family sure they all suck but I still care about them, besides I would be safe there! I turned down the street where I see a small, familiar building with lights on. I dart in that direction The footsteps for behind me pick up, are they stupid they know I'm leading them to a police station right? The footsteps stop and I mentally sigh they are done chasing me! A figure appears in front of me a tall dark figure I couldn't really see there face they dart towards me and I scream turning around but run into a hard surface and fall to the ground. I am getting dizzy the sky and the stars where spinning two boys walked on top of me picking me up and closing my eyes excepting my fate.


My eyes open weakly from the brightness "SHE IS AWAKE!" Screamed a familiar voice from my left "to loud mom!" I say weakly "oh I'm sorry sweetie!" The door burst open with doctors and my dad "oh you scared the shit out of me Ruth!" Said dad kissing my cheek "so is she okay when is she free to leave?" The memories started rushing through me from that night "well we want to make sure she is fine she has a mild concussion but she should be fine to leave tomorrow morning but keep it easy and wait until Monday for her to go back to school okay!" "Sounds good thanks!" Said dad sitting down "okay I will give you three a moment!" The doctor smiled and she walked out of the room with the rest of the doctors. "How could you be so irresponsible you know no parties you almost got yourself killed!" "Sorry." I say looking down "do you remember what happened?" Said dad "a little I mean I remember these men in black suits with guns and knives I remember leaving the house and running but someone was chasing me I was running to the police station but there was a tall man who stopped me and then someone hit me with something and I fell to the ground..." my dad looked at my mom "maybe her memory was a little foggy or something she has had some serious trauma!" Said dad rubbing his temples "what do you mean why do you think I'm wrong?" The looked back at me "sweetheart you were found on the top of the stairs!" "But I swear I remember I saw the police station the lights were still on I remember the stars spinning when I got hit I remember the two men in suits looking down at me and picking me up!" Mom sighed "sweetheart you never left the house it is fine don't push it The doctors said to make sure you stay calm getting angry when you have trauma or a concussion being angry won't help!" I sigh "My mouth is dry!" Dad chuckles "there is some water on your bedside!" I look over and grab the full water bottle and take a sip "how long have I been out?" "Well we are not how sure you were out for at the party but here you have been out like over night it's 10:43 right now actually!" Said mom "me and your mom have to go we will be back later your phone is also next to you with your charger!" Said dad rushing mom out the door "love you Ru Ru call us if you need anything!" Said mom walking out the door "will do!" I relaxed my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes.

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