The Garden of a Flower

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"All things beautiful. All things bright and beautiful," I delivered the line starry-eyed, going round and round amid the trees, while my feet are bare.

My arms are stretched sidewards, my palms opened up like I'm embracing the sun's radiance, drenching me. As my wavy, long, black hair followed my head's movement, my flowy, long, dark yellow-orange dress twirled, akin to a ballerina's skirt.

The image of the bluish-white sky, the white clouds, the yellow-orange sun, the mahogany shade of the tree trunks with their green leaves, and the rich color of the green grass blurred in my vision. Although it's blurry, the scenery is still breathtaking. Nothing can ever beat the beauty of nature, because it's a masterpiece. It's timeless.

"All creatures great and small", I continued, while I closed my eyes.

I heard the bark of my dog, the song of the birds, the buzz of the bees, the crunching of the fallen leaves, the swaying of the trees, and the whispers of the wind, as their sounds faded into the background, yet the hymn of nature continues to whisper into my ears, which is luring me to fancy and to praise it.

I came to a halt, while my eyes remained closed. Stumbling a bit, stars seem to swirl above my head. I felt a paw, on my right foot, which saved me from my fall. A whimper from my dog, Sol, followed. Regaining my composure, I smiled. I'm amused at his cute antics. 

I opened my eyes, and a hazy vision filled my sight. I blinked twice to adjust my sight from the light. I scanned my surroundings.

A smile tugged on my lips, adoring the scenery. Since day one, I have been devoted to worshipping it.

I feel the wind hugging me, comforting my weary soul. Saying softly to me that, sometimes it's alright to act like a child, although you're not. There's no need to rush, because those who rush, stumble and fall.

"All things wise and beautiful." I inhaled the air. I sighed contentedly. My heart and lungs are relieved from their heaviness.

Looking up to the sky, "The Lord God made them all," I ended my delivery of the literary piece.

"Years had passed. I can still recite the first stanza of the poem," I said to no one while reminiscing about my elementary days. 

"I'm good at memorizing, noh? Am I right or am I right?" I said proudly, turning to Sol, who is sitting by my side. He barked at me without a choice. I laughed silently.

I crouched to level my height similar to Sol. I noticed his wagging tail. I smiled cheekily, and I touched it, which made him walk away from me. 

I laughed heartily. I stood up, and I brushed the dirt, patting my dress. I clasped my hands, and I placed them on my back while walking toward my runaway dog. 

A laugh escaped my lips followed by an unladylike snort. He quickened his pace, so I quickened mine too. I chased my dog, despite my blistered feet. Under the afternoon sun, laughter and loud paces can be heard throughout the forest.

I touched my chest, while I was catching my breath. Sweat trickled down my cheek from my forehead.

I placed the strand of my hair, which was blocking my sight, behind my ear. Sol whimpered. I gave him a weak smile to assure him. I stared at the beautiful scenery behind the tall, gold gate in front of me.

We tend to feel homesick for a place, where our heart is whole. A place, where we are healed from our wounds. A place where we are comforted, understood and loved. A place where our innocence is retained, and we are free without any hesitations. It may exist, or not, but this place is our version of paradise, and in front of me, is my paradise. 

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