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I awoke to the screams of my family. As I began to hear the crackling fire, I understood what happened. I realized this was my fault. I had lost control. Before I could comprehend what to do, I ran out of the house grabbing my younger sister Adella. Passing by all the rooms that contained the only memories we had ever known. I turned the hot doorknob and ran sobbing to the street making sure Adella was safe. I remember Her at the age of seven looking me dead in the eyes and asking. "Elizabeth what did you do?"  All I could do at the early age of ten was sit and watch my house burn to ash with my parents inside. It was at that moment I realized I was too dangerous. Like mother would say "fire can be beautiful when kept contained."

A loud commotion brings me back to reality. I begin to hear what I believe to be an older man beginning to speak. "People of Bevloeien, I have come to announce the war of flames has been won. Vatra has fallen. As well as unfortunately our beloved queen Victoria."

Murmurs spread through the crowd as people began to exit I hear an older woman to my right begin to speak. "I can't believe the queen has fallen."

To my left, a younger man whispers to himself. "It took 23 years for Vatra to fall."

I had heard stories of vatra as a kid from my father. It was a strong kingdom won by fire but broken by war. When queen Ember, their last remaining royal passed away the fight for power began. That's when the other elemental kingdoms stepped in. I stop myself before I can think more of my father's stories. The memories still haunt me although It's been seven years since he died. Since I became a murderer.

I began to weave through the crowd. I grab whatever I can. Taking from pockets and purses I feel guilty as they need their stuff just as much as I do. I  make my way down the path I take every day. I turn so I can pass by the ruins where mother and father passed. Where I killed them.

"Hello, Elizabeth!" Someone yells from down the street.

As I figure out who it is I roll my eyes back. "Hello, Dylan." Dylan moved here around five years ago and we have been friends since.

"You don't usually come down this way, what's up?" He says catching up to me.

I speed up to try to get away before I can he jumps in front of me. I cross my arms. "So what are you stalking me now?" I realize I was crying. Shit, I can't let him see me like this he will never let me live this down.

Instead of making fun of me, he wipes the tear from my face with his thumb. "You know my parents are strict and will want me home soon. What's going on?"

I try to hide my face.  "Stop acting as if you care." I start walking again but faster this time.

"Would you rather me go back to acting like a complete dick?" He asks with a grin.

"Guess not," I say under my breath. You can tell he is not used to cursing.

"So Princess did you hear the big news?" He always calls me that it pisses me off.

"Enough about that I have to get back to Adella," I say speeding up.

He starts catching up to me. "I will walk with you then I have some time before I need to be home." He starts catching up to me again with the same stupid grin still there.

"Your persistence can be annoying as hell sometimes." I give in and begin walking next to him.

We arrive at what I call home. I have known Dylan for some time now he is like a brother to Adella.

"Welcome back." She says coming from her room while pushing her wavy dark blonde hair out of the way of her greenish-blue eyes that almost match mine perfectly.

"We have a visitor," I announce while hanging my bag up.

"Hey, Adella." He says eyeing me as if to say does she know.

She looks guilty and shakes her head slightly as she says "Hello Dylan."

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I will tell you later." Adella spits out

At this Dylan looks worried almost,

"You better" I mumble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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