Chapter three: sinister deal

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Luz Pov: Ever since I made that agreement with amity she's been acting like it's her top priority to make my life a living hell, she clearly abused the word manager and it's obvious I don't need one but yet again I do need the money to even fund a frat so I guess I'll put up with it. "Do me a favor and wash the dishes for me" Amity says while texting on her phone, "Come on I had to make dinner the least you can do is clean the fucking dishes Blight" I say "Ah ah ah Noceda~, you agreed to this good things alos come with consequences" She says my name like she says my name in a way giving it a think accent. "You know I'm pretty sure managers are capable of doing the bare minimum" I say in a stern voice, "Yeah yeah, get back to what your doing" she says completely ignoring what I said, Titan it's always the hot ones with spine chilling flaws...I go on through out my day in class talking to willow about plans for the frat, we decided to discuss it later at lunch "Hey Luz" Willow says as she sits next to a young looking student with lots of shell related jewelry "Hey willow" I replied "let me I introduce you to my best friend Gus, he's been in a frat before and came up with a name" Willow says while putting Gus on the back "Hello nice to meet ya, like willow said let's get on with it shall we?" Gus says in a jolly way "So I was thinking opa kai alpha?" He says cringing at the name but I understanded, Frat had weird names and I find it very ironic that they always end with Alpha, beta, or omega. "Hm I'll keep it in mind, how about you willow?" I say "Maybe kap Omega kappa?" "Hmm too long how...wait I've got one" I say feeling like a cartoon character who just got a light bulb. "Fraternity mayhem...." I say while doing an echo sound effect, willow stares at me in disappointment "Luz....please don't ever try to pull that cliche or break the forth-wall" She says "It sounded better in my head, Anyways how about Beta house?" I say kinda unsure but hoping for a good reaction from it. Willow and Gus turn to each other in approval,we agree on the name. Until a certain duo walks up to us, willow had a look on her face meaning she already knew amity and boscha were problems at this school. I didn't tell her about amity yet, "Youve gotta be kidding me, Mayday Mayday two bimbos coming through" Willow says while I try to hold my laughter at the comment. "Hey Noceda~, Plus extra freaks" Amity says while looking at Me and the others, amity proceeds to sit next to Me Thoguh it was a tight spot she fit. The problem was her chest rubbing against my arm from the lack of space, My face was brighter than ever, "Blight, Your fucking Breastickles are laying on my arm don't you have any other place to sit?" Amity had a visible blush on her face as me and her began to argue, Until we were interrupted by willow "Alright shits saints why are you here and what do you want?" Willow says clearly annoyed. "Obviously we're here to help luz with thus new Fraternity" Boscha Says while look willow straight into her soul, Willow seemed like she was in a paradox not moving at all until she snapped out of it and yelled "WHAT, Dude these girls are crazy why are you even messing with them?" Willow says in clear distress. "You said we need money" I say trying to defend "Good point but why her?" Willow says in an almost disgusted tone, "Hey watch it nitwit" Amity says almost growling. After getting passed all that drama we all agreed on Thursday we'd sign up for a Fraternity and on Friday will host the first party like a grand opening or something, It was a Tuesday so we had plenty of time to just relax. I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch without even noticing I blacked out, I assumed amity was asleep and made my way to my own Comfort to slumber. as I made my way to my room, yet again I smelled amitys pheromones I just assumed she was having another one fo her wet dreams, Bit this scent was stronger like really strong to the point I had butterflies swimming in my stomach, I continued to ignore it and passed by until a heard something "Luz~ ah" My face turned bright red I think she caught me. Until I went against the side of the door to peak just to find out it was amity pleasuring herself while maoning my name. When I saw her half naked it felt like something tried to jump out of me then I started growling uncontrollably to a point where I had to cover my mouth I make my way back to my room fast....."Woah...that was something" I say in clearly shock, at this point I could sleep all I could think about is what amity was doing. It was like a broken record playing over and over again and my heart was thumbing so hard to a point where I thoguht I was slowly dying. My body was hot all over so I decided to sleep with the overs off, I didn't go to sleep just yet scrolling through apps and trying to get my mind of what I saw. It was all good until remembered I've got to do manager task for her .."Oh for Fuck Sa-

I wrote this because I couldn't sleep, so don't worry there will still be a double upload tomorrow, I really like this and I hope you guys like the story aswell

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