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Many of them in fact, all looming through the thick must

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Many of them in fact, all looming through the thick must. It looked like a fleet...

''The Navy?!"

Soon the seagull insignia broke through the sheet of white. It was painted on a sail-the symbol that pirates dreaded. Below it was the familiar MARINE logo.

Sure enough, the Navy had arrived. The battleships were on the move, and they were all coming our way.

"That's the Nailer's ship. Bad one to have on our tail," said Skull, pointing out the lead ship. "The Nailer's supposed to be a real nasty ensign."

"That's an odd epithet to have. Former shipwright or something?" Ace asked.

Meanwhile, l gave orders to the other crew mates. "We need some distance!"

One battleship surged out in front of the others. If we had to deal with that one first, the others would circle us in the meantime. They were already distancing themselves from one another, fanning out in a wide formation. We weren't going to let them get that far.

"There was a reef nearby, if I recall. Let's change course to head there. Full speed! Unfurl the map, Teach!" I shouted to Mihal, who I assumed was somewhere in the ship's library.

I helmed the ship, wary of the Navy vessels right behind us, and rushed to and fro across the deck.

Suddenly, from very close by, an unfamiliar voices said, "This is a good ship." It belonged to a young woman.

I spun around in shock and saw a Navy sailor standing alone on the deck nearby. But this was not just a sailor. Like a cape flapping in the wind, she wore over her shoulders a white coat with the word "Justice" embroidered on the back. Only proper Naval officers were allowed to wear these coats.

"When did you-?!''

Somehow a Navy officer had jumped onto our deck.

"I'm sad to say that your voyage ends here," the woman said, placing her hand on the narrow sword at her waist. I could see a nasty burn scar on the back of her hand.

There was a gunshot.


A clang. She snorted.

Without batting an eye, she had drawn her sword and swung it through.

"Very impressive..." Mihal's voice came from some indeterminate location a moment later. It all happened in a blink.

"You're a beast," I stammered, backing away.

"Master Ace, that's the Nailer!" shouted Skull.

The gunshot had drawn his attention to the woman on the deck.

"Oh yeah? I was imagining some big, burly carpenter guy. Wby's she called the Nailer?"

"Apparently she puts holes in people as precisely as though she's pounding nails."

Ace's Story vol. 1 / English Version (Concluded) ━━ 《43》Where stories live. Discover now